Game theory

From: Gatherer, D. (Derek) (
Date: Wed Mar 29 2000 - 07:52:49 BST

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    Subject: Game theory
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    In PNAS this week:

    Kevin A. McCabe and Vernon L. Smith
            A comparison of naïve and sophisticated subject behavior with game
    theoretic predictions
            PNAS 2000 97: 3777-3781
    We use an extensive form two-person game as the basis for two experiments
    designed to compare the behavior of two groups of subjects with each other
    and with the subgame perfect theoretical prediction in an anonymous
    interaction protocol. The two subject groups are undergraduates and advanced
    graduate students, the latter having studied economics and game theory.
    There is no difference in their choice behavior, and both groups depart
    substantially from game theoretic predictions. We also compare a subsample
    of the same graduate students with a typical undergraduate sample in an
    asset trading environment in which inexperienced undergraduates invariably
    produce substantial departures from the rational expectations prediction. In
    this way, we examine how robust are the results across two distinct
    anonymous interactive environments. In the constant sum trading game, the
    graduate students closely track the predictions of rational theory. Our
    interpretation is that the graduate student subjects' departure from subgame
    perfection to achieve cooperative outcomes in the two-person bargaining game
    is a consequence of a deliberate strategy and is not the result of error or
    inadequate learning.

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