RE: Tests show a human side to chimps

From: Wade T.Smith (
Date: Wed Nov 15 2000 - 14:02:57 GMT

  • Next message: Mark Mills: "RE: Tests show a human side to chimps"

    Received: by id OAA12965 (8.6.9/5.3[ref] for from; Wed, 15 Nov 2000 14:06:18 GMT
    Subject: RE: Tests show a human side to chimps
    Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 09:02:57 -0500
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    From: "Wade T.Smith" <>
    To: "memetics list" <>
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    On 11/15/00 08:27, Gatherer, D. (Derek) said this-

    >If you can show that a novel cultural variant has a selective
    >advantage or disadvantage which does not affect the constitution of the gene
    >pool of that population, then you have a good case.

    Ah, but wouldn't evolution itself battle, and battle hard, against any
    such variant?

    >The best I think we can hope for are
    >retrospective analyses, eg. along the lines of the Peruvian water-boiling
    >case study.

    Not that I don't like retrospection, but, in most instances,
    retrospection is a pseudoscience, akin to astrology, where the bias of
    the 'experimentor' is the desired result of the analysis.

    I ask the same thing of 'scientific' astrologers (who are also akin to
    skeptical believers, in that impossibly portmanteau way of the flagrantly
    newage)- please, please, begin by gathering data, not by applying your
    preconceptions and wishes upon a derived set of numbers. It's not the
    ability to find patterns, but the theory of pattern which is important in
    science, but, retrospection is all they know.

    Both memetics and astrology (although hopefully for different reasons)
    need to begin to gather data from experimental bases, and not continue to
    pattern-seek among aggregates of loosely strewn data.

    Hopefully because it should signal the end to any effort to
    scientifically validate astrology, and the beginning of a validation of

    - Wade

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