RE: playing at suicide

From: Philip Jonkers (
Date: Mon Jan 14 2002 - 06:18:53 GMT

  • Next message: Philip Jonkers: "Re: Scientology"

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    Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 01:18:53 -0500
    From: "Philip Jonkers" <>
    Subject: RE: playing at suicide
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    >These are all powers our memes have given us. They
    are beyond anything on
    >earth that is not meme directed. Computers, which
    are the embodyment of
    >memes, may soon be able to exceed our own abilities.
    What is it about memes
    >that give us this power over our planet, our lives
    and our universe. How do
    >they do what they do?

    The original purpose of memes indeed was to function
    as tools. Maybe the lot of them can still be put
    into that category, I don't know. You're probably
    right at least on the majority of them being tools.
    The original function of memes was that they were
    valuable for humans. They increased survival chances
    of its hosts. Consequently the human brain had a
    true interest in stimulating meme-processing activity.
    The early humans who were most engaged with meme
    processing survived and bred best. A selective
    pressure for meme-affinity built up.

    I like to think of it as the animal brain now not only
    had to reward biological activity aimed at survival
    (eating, copulating, that sort of stuff)
    but also creative cultural activity. This notion I
    captured in what I've called Reward Pathway-
    hypotheses. If you're interested I can send them to
    you. You can find them also on the list, go to August
    2001 or something. Bottom-line: our culture became
    what it has become by its original function to
    warrant higher degrees of survival. Culture incessantly
    evolves through inertia of that original momentum.

    Philip Jonkers.

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