Re: Scientology

From: Grant Callaghan (
Date: Thu Jan 10 2002 - 15:41:16 GMT

  • Next message: tazzie: "Re: Scientology"

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    From: "Grant Callaghan" <>
    Subject: Re: Scientology
    Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 07:41:16 -0800
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    >Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 09:27:56 -0500
    >On 01/10/02 07:24, tazzie said this-
    > >Could I have a desricption of exactly what is *scientology*?
    >The organization itself is considered to be criminal in some countries.
    >- Wade

    If I remember correctly (it's been a while) Scientology began with the
    publication of a book by L. Ron Hubbard back in the late 40s as an answer to
    the problems of psychiatry that psychiatrists seemed unable to cure. Hubbard
    declared it a religion when the govenment sent him a huge tax bill for the
    money he was making with his system. The government has been calling him a
    criminal ever since and has denied Scientology the status of religiion for
    tax purposes. Hubbard has since died and the people who took over his
    "church" have been accused of brain washing and other crimes. In the later
    years of his life Hubbard withdrew from his church and had little to do with
    the running of day-to-day affairs. He spent most of his time on a yacht
    where the IRS could not easily get their hands on him. He is basically a
    science fiction writer who hit on a new idea and found ways to make a
    fortune with it. My own view is that he never did anything I would call
    criminal. I can't say the same for the people who took over his "church."
    I've been following his career off and on since I was eighteen. Ron's last
    gasp before he died was to write a ten-volume science fiction series that
    demonstrated he still had a way with words. It was mostly action-adventure.


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