RE: Determinism

Date: Mon Apr 09 2001 - 09:37:30 BST

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    Subject: RE: Determinism
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    On 5 Apr 2001, at 12:12, Vincent Campbell wrote:

    > <I confess that I find your implication of freedom as sheer
    > perversity flying
    > > in the face of better judgement, the more disturbing. And I may even
    > > be forced to concede the possibility. But what kind of freedom is
    > > that? Is there nothing better?>
    > >
    > I'm not suggesting it's an ideal by any means, only questioning the
    > certainty with which one must pursue the correct decision, but Robin's
    > explained the context of the discussion for me.
    > Vincent
    There is also the possibility of multiple optimum solutions. The
    assumption that there can only be one optimum solution to any
    problem is an incorrect one. For instance, there are two perfectly
    good sets of values that solve any given quadratic equation.
    Also, when Neo realizes he's the One, and has his perfect
    knowledge of the Matrix, it gives him greatly increased freedom
    within it, and I do not see where that matrix omniscience
    determines his future actions. Remember that the deterministic
    Oracle told him that he was NOT the One (although, to be fair, she
    DID say that he was waiting for another life, and it WAS only after
    he 'arose' from the dead' in the hall that he came into full
    possession of his powers).
    > ===============================================================
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    This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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