Re: sex and the single meme

Date: Sat Jan 26 2002 - 11:38:51 GMT

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    Subject: Re: sex and the single meme
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    On 25 Jan 2002, at 19:31, Philip Jonkers wrote:

    > Another example is when
    > during WWII both warring parties try to influence the
    > enemy by sending airplanes over enemy territory to toss out propaganda
    > leaflets. It seems to me a clear case of memes from outside interfering with
    > selection forces regarded strictly private by you.

    There's still no outside selection. If these leaflets had any influence
    on the population than it is because they chosed to be influenced
    by it, cause they considered it to be important.

    Of course memes always come from the outside, but how did they
    came there? Someone sent them out. That's the first selection.
    And the second selection is whether the receiver implements the
    meme in his meme-architecture.

    "Outside-selection" of memes would mean that literally speaking
    two books would fight with each other without any human
    interference and if one book would win we'd have to read it. You
    could construct something like this with a computer programm but
    then you as a human would select the selection algorithm.

    For example when i type some word in google search i get some
    results based on the algorithm running on their machines. But how
    does this algorithm work? It takes into consideration how many
    people already visitited the site, so it considers human based
    meme-selection again.

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