RE: Thesis: Memes are DNA-Slaves

From: salice (
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 21:42:03 BST

  • Next message: Kenneth Van Oost: "Re: Thesis: Memes are DNA-Slaves"

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    Subject: RE: Thesis: Memes are DNA-Slaves
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    > More over, even characteristics deleterious to survival persist, only
    > depending upon just how destructive they are, how quickly, the competition,
    > external threat and other factors.

    but in the end it doesn't survive.

    do you really think that the meme-handling capability is a
    deleterious or indifferent characteristic? i mean, every human has
    it. even monkeys build up simple cultures. quite wide-spread to be
    deleterious in my eyes.

    > > Therefore memes relate to genes in a contributing way.
    > > Memes serve to the survival of their corresponding genes.
    > The reverse argument might just as well be made, and just as easily.

    hm, no.
    memes live in brains. that a brain exists, that it is able to process
    is at first made possible by dna.

    if you can prove your version please show me.

    > After all, behaviors and ideas will persist in a population healthy enough
    > to stay alive. But not in ones that disappear.

    my point. if a meme-set would kill it's people it would die too.
    therefore the meme-set (ideas,behaviors...) makes it's population
    survive. it serves the dna.

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