RE: the earth revolves around the sun

From: Wade T. Smith (
Date: Wed Jan 16 2002 - 04:31:35 GMT

  • Next message: Joe Dees: "Re: Knowledge, Memes and Sensory Perception"

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    Subject: RE: the earth revolves around the sun
    Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 23:31:35 -0500
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    From: "Wade T. Smith" <>
    To: "Memetics Discussion List" <>
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    Hi Joe Dees -

    >Or is there such a thing as accidental dancing?

    Yes, there is.

    There is absolutely a process of rhythmic motion that is innate.

    Well, it's not accidental, at all. It's very wrapped up in music and
    speech and culture.

    I don't know where to go with things like innate motivations and
    processes memetically, because, while culture certainly contains and uses
    these urges, it is so close to biological behavior that there doesn't
    seem to be any need whatsoever for memetic content.

    After all, bees dance. I believe most if not every human society has a
    form of ritualized dance. There are many courtship dances among birds,
    and fish, and insects.

    So, yes, not 'accidental' but, without need for memetic conceptualization.

    Once we get to the tango, then that's another matter.

    - Wade

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