RE: Rogue Males by Lionel Tiger

From: Scott Chase (
Date: Wed Jan 23 2002 - 00:45:54 GMT

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    From: "Scott Chase" <>
    Subject: RE: Rogue Males by Lionel Tiger
    Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 19:45:54 -0500
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    >From: "Lawrence DeBivort" <>
    >To: <>
    >Subject: RE: Rogue Males by Lionel Tiger
    >Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:51:46 -0500
    > > Beyond the relatively minor issue of accepted dress codes are the more
    > > important issues of being able to exercise freedom to seek education and
    > > employment. What were the Taliban's views on women learning and women
    > > working?
    >In my opinion and what I understand about the Taliban, overwhelmingingly
    >repressive: Women were not allowed to work, and girls were excluded from
    >schooling. Men were required to grow beards. Generally, people, men and
    >women, were denied in many areas of family and social practice any choice;
    >these rules were imposed by the Taliban, which established a special police
    >capability to enforce the rules. The Taliban derived their justification
    >for all this, from two sources, Pushtanwali -- the tribal codes of the
    >Pushtan tribes of Afghanistan and Pakistan -- and Islam. Scholars
    >knowledgeable about either assert that the Taliban perverted both to come
    >with their repressive and deadening rules.
    >The most insightful analysis of the Taliban that I have seen reflected in
    >the press and scholarly writings, and one that I believe is accurate, is
    >that their beliefs, like other current fundamentalist movements, are a
    >largely inarticulate reaction to what they see and experience as the
    >excesses of 'Western' globalizing culture.
    >I'll quote the most succinct explanation of this that I have been able to
    >find, from Karen Armstrong's BATTLE FOR GOD, in a separate email, with the
    >subject heading, "Fundamentalism".
    Two books I read a while ago are Ahmed Rashid's _Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil
    & Fundamentalism in Central Asia_ and Micael Griffin's _Reaping the
    Whirlwind: the Taliban Movement in Afghanistan_. I definitely need to give
    them a re-read sometime, but I'm neck deep in sources on the Arab-Israeli
    conflict right now.

    I've even made recent time for Ernst Mayr's _What Evolution Is_, a nice
    little recent book by a guru of the field of evolutionary biology, albeit
    with his curious biases. Even in his nineties he could do serious battle
    with both Gould AND Dawkins. The foreward to this book is by none other than
    Jared Diamond.

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