Re: The necessity of mental memes

From: Grant Callaghan (
Date: Mon Feb 18 2002 - 04:44:13 GMT

  • Next message: Rogan Jacobson: "Re: Words and memes"

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    From: "Grant Callaghan" <>
    Subject: Re: The necessity of mental memes
    Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 20:44:13 -0800
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    >Saying in a sense, that you have no choise, is IMO not ethical correct,
    >the African people DO have a choise, but it is maybe not theirs to make
    >so to speak. It is maybe OUR choise in which ways we protect OUR community
    >that lies a dark shadow over the African continent.
    >And maybe there is deep inside of our ( Western) Self an individual
    >core which indeed hinders ( the black) others if families and societies
    >are blocking our ways to a further development.
    >The terms virus and contaigon are in such a context well placed and are
    >likely being used in the future. And their emotional baggage is essential
    >in order in getting Africa ' alive ', again.
    Then, on the other hand, it may just be one of the battles in the gene/meme
    wars. The genes are reducing the surplus population of an over-crowded
    land. By adopting the memes of civilization, they could increase the number
    of people the land can support. It would also cut down the practices that
    lead to indiscriminate sex. Blaming others for what we ourselves do is a
    losing strategy that fails to address and deal with the problem.

    That is true in Europe and America as surely as it is in Africa. There were
    groups of fay men in New York and San Francisco who thought the HIV virus
    had been defeated and went back to casual sex again. The rate of infection
    in those communities jumped as a result and the population had to be
    reeducated as to the evolving nature of HIV. But who is going to change the
    sexual mores of the tribes of africa? And how? If they don't do it
    themselves, nature will do it for them. Those who survive will do so
    because they did things differently.


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