RE: Tests show a human side to chimps

From: Gatherer, D. (Derek) (
Date: Tue Nov 14 2000 - 14:45:34 GMT

  • Next message: Mark Mills: "RE: Tests show a human side to chimps"

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    Subject: RE: Tests show a human side to chimps
    Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 15:45:34 +0100
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    The 'neural meme' position revises the above slightly. 'Imitated behavioral
    characteristics' are 'neural meme phenotypes.'

    I think my main question (one I've been carrying on this road all along,
    as it seems) is- isn't there a reason to need a 'theory of mind' then,
    before one can start a 'theory of memetics'?

    Yes, but only if you think that memetics is about the mind (which I don't of
    course). I still think theories of the mind are interesting, but I don't
    think that the adoption of one or other theory of the mind should
    necessarily affect what one believes about memetics. _Internalist_
    memetics, on the other hand, seems to _require_ a very odd theory of the

    If imitative behavioral characteristics would appear to be within and
    constrained by a biologic and developmental organism (a bird, i.e.)...

    Splitting your question into 2 parts, the answer to the above is:
    But are they so constrained?, because cultural replicators are strong enough
    to start pushing the genetic replicators - eg. lactose utilisation in
    humans; Europeans, Middle Easterners and many Africans are now _genetically_
    adapted to the _cultural_ trait of milk drinking. Culture can constrain
    genetics too.

    Wade: (part 2)
    ........and culture would appear to be a niche of the adapted environment,
    then where
    (and why...) does one bring in memetics?

    One brings it in for situations where it is evident that genetic variation
    is not the primary contributor to phenotypic variation, and where
    environmental variation is not enough to explain the residual. Since
    Vincent was asking about diffusion of innovations yesterday, how about
    Rogers' classic example of water boiling in Peru. Those who boil water have
    a survival edge over those who just drink it straight down, bugs and all.
    There is no evidence of any genetic variation that would explain this, no
    'fastidiousness' gene, and there is no environmental explanation, boilers
    and non-boilers exist together in the same village. So what's left is
    cultural transmission, and there is the scope for memetics.

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    Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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