Date: Mon 11 Nov 2002 - 03:03:01 GMT
> >From:
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Essays from Free Inquiry magazine (#2)
> >Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 18:54:41 -0600
> >
> >The Islamic Concept of Peace: Can the West Accept it?
> >By Abdul Maseeh
> >
> >After much research and reflection, I have come to understand
> >the Islamic concept of peace as something like this: Peace comes
> >through submission, which is the meaning of the word Islam. This
> >submission, of course, is submission to Muhammed and his concept of
> >Allah in the Qu'ran, in other words, Islam once again. Theoretically
> >peace exists inside Dar-al-Islam, the House of Submission. I say
> >"theoretically" because we all know that Muslims, even though they
> >are not supposed to, do fight fellow Muslims. Consider the Afghan
> >civil war between the Pashtuns on one side and the then-Northern
> >Alliance (Uzbeks, Tajiks, etc.) on the other; Iraq's attack on Kuwait
> >and its earlier war with Iran; or the West Pakistani attack on East
> >Pakistan, which subsequently became Bangladesh. Peace with pagans,
> >that is, people not "of the Book", is impossible; they are all to be
> >given a chance to accept Islam or be killed. This is illustrated by
> >the killing of pagans in the south of Sudan, the north of Nigeria,
> >and the south of Chad, in each case by Muslims eager to impose
> >Islamic law. With regard to Christians and Jews, they too are to be
> >fought against until they are subdued and feel themselves subdued -
> >that is found in Qu'ran sura 9, verse 29 ("Fight those who believe
> >not in Allah nor the Last Day nor hold that forbidden which hath been
> >forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of
> >Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya
> >with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued"). Examples of
> >this are also found in Sudan, Nigeria and Chad, and also in Indonesia
> >- along with smaller atrocities against Christians in Egypt and the
> >heinous repression of all Christian activity in Saudi Arabia by the
> >Wahhabis. To say that Islam is a religion of peace is not true. Islam
> >is committed to war, both by the example of Muhammed, who fought on
> >until he subdued Mecca and then other tribes, and by the Qu'ran's
> >teaching supported by numerous passages in the Hadith. According to
> >Amir Tahiri, aditor of Politique International in Paris, of the
> >thirty wars going on as of October 2001, twenty-eight involve Muslims
> >fighting either non-Muslims or even other Muslims! The Qu'ran does
> >teach that Muslims are never to initiate war. But Islam has a strange
> >way of putting this into practice. For example, Muslims are supposed
> >to offer non-Muslims an opportunity to embrace Islam. If the non-
> >Muslims, refuse, this is viewed as aggression against Allah and
> >Islam. Therefore Muslims are allowed to fight these "aggressors"
> >until they are converted or killed. Perhaps the greatest proof that
> >Islam is not a religion of peace is sura 4, verse 89, which proclaims
> >that any who want to leave Islam (turn renegade) shall be put to
> >death: "But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever
> >ye find them." This makes Islam the religion of fear, not of peace.
> >There will be war in the world so long as people believe in Muhammed,
> >his example, and his teaching. The Islamic concept of peace, meaning
> >making the whole world Muslim, is actually a mandate for war.
> >
> >
> Surah 4, verse 90 seems to water the previous verse (89) down a tad,
> but how much? It seems that if those renegades have offered peace,
> then it would not be quite alright to slay them wherever they are
> found. The commentary in one of the Koran translations I've got (by
> Maulana Muhammad Ali) to verse 90 points out this distinction.
> Slaying "them" wherever they are found still sounds a little over the
> top IMO. Adding verse 91 (of surah 4) to the mix adds yet another
> distiction the other way, of slaying them wherever found, but maybe
> those are the ones who feign peacefulness?
> There could be an historical context to these verses not appreciated
> by those who are bashing Islam in general or those who cling to Islam
> as fundamentalists, like Christians who cling to Genesis in the face
> of evolution. These Koran verses appear anachronisms not applicable to
> the modern world, where people should learn to separate personal
> belief from governance and law.
But that's exactly what the Militant Radical Muslims do NOT do; they
recognize no separation between Church and State. All the peoples of
the world are supposed to (according to Islam) perdure as a single
Islamic Umma under the administration of shar'ia law. As long as that is
not the case, there is work to be done; the Dar-al-Islam must contend
with the Dar-Al Harb until the latter is defeated and the globe can be
united under the Divinely Revealed Truth (except for the ideological
niggers, that is, the Christians and Jews; they may pay taxes for the
dubious privilege of second-hand dhimmitude, but all other Unbelievers
- Atheists, Pagans, Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists, etc., - must be killed
on sight by the Faithful, as the Qu'ran commands.).
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