Re: sex and the single meme

Date: Fri Jan 25 2002 - 22:25:56 GMT

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    On 25 Jan 2002, at 16:44, Scott Chase wrote:

    > If one were to look at a pool of ideas and analogize variants of ideas as
    > allelic (so to speak), could it be that generation to generation shifts in
    > the frequencies of these variants could, in special circumstances, be
    > related to nothing more than sampling error? I'll leave it to those more
    > imaginative and mathematically versed than I to flesh out the details.

    Of course, sampling error happens all the time. I remember things
    i've read or heard wrong all the time. And there are all the typos.

    But still, these sampling errors happen in the brain or maybe in a
    wrong coordinated muscle movement while typing but it's in the
    individual where this happens.

    You could say that sampling errors happen also outside of us, like
    i dunno, some song might be played with noise interference on the
    radio but how much does this amount for. How important is that for
    cultural evolution? Even if there is some strange coincidence, let's
    say because of a sampling error some new idea gets born, this
    newborn idea still needs us to become succesfull and wide-spread.

    Remember this "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US"-crap?
    Well that probably was a mistake the person who originally wrote it
    in the video game wasn't aware of. But the fact that this sentence
    spread throughout the web and tv was a result of people putting it
    on websites and tv-shows. The meme didn't lay itself inside the
    html-code, right?

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