Re: " Directed Metation "

From: Diego Remus (
Date: Mon 24 Nov 2003 - 09:57:27 GMT

  • Next message: Van oost Kenneth: "Re: " Directed Metation ""

    then, some characteristics go like glossolalia a dense flow of shared informal meaning
      others, like adlinguisticity as we keep talking about talking is talking about talking (or comuunicating by any means about communicating that way) a more advanced or a more derivative level of talking? think about thinking, write about writing
      In acting so, we´re legitimating the acts of communication as prhenomens by themselves.
      it seems like we ain´t discussing anything in our posts, Kenneth.

    Van oost Kenneth <> wrote:
    ----- Original Message ----- From: Diego Remus

    even considering we´ve been all introduced, at som degree, to such concepts, I guess there´s one of these mutating memes in your post for the drastic jump my actual filter sensed.
      I mean I think some arguments were expressed so abrupt, drmatically automatic. "in order to set for a solution to a problem" like the one you suggested, we´ve got to fill in some blanks, make some extra links, or be it mutate some memes.
    << That wasn 't my intention, but anyway, I do think that the propagation of memes, their survival, their role in the social and cultural intercourse, their manifestation, ... is related somewhat to the ways we pronounce, convince, speak, announce, proove, talk,...
      So by screamin ' out loud, by talking in a gentle, respectable way, by turning the flow of the arguments into a resolution, by taking the time to explain, by making distinctions between how we' re using words, by understanding that in the ways we talk to somebody we withdraw positive signals from the brain of the receptor or we induce negative ones.
      So by writing down; something abstract, like I did, your brain needs to fill in the blanks, you 're making up interpretations_ rightly or wrong it doesn 't matter, your brain is making up memes, and a discussion can take place. If you don 't understand what I meant, you will begin to ask questions and I will respond. If I am doing that with precision and determination you will under- stand by point of view, if not we will continue this discussion.
      So, yes, our thinking- mode is part of the puzzle, our memes receive a con- tinious flow of new information where they must dealt with. Strong memes means a continious adhesion to traditional values and its own customary way of thinking and doing things. For others it will mean the killing of yet others memes, the robbin ' of their attachment to signifiance and meaning.
      whatever my post may mean, maybe a mutating meme, maybe the meme which needs mutating.
    << What it means is up to the receptor his or hers initial memeplex, his or hers world- view, his or hers ways of initial thinking.
    " I can 't see what a Chinese sees, but that doesn 't alter the fact that I can angross myself in what he says he sees. "
    ( Maghiel van Crevel)

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