Received: by id SAA03071 (8.6.9/5.3[ref] for from; Sat, 22 Jul 2000 18:23:50 +0100 Message-Id: <> From: "Joe E. Dees" <> To: Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 12:26:20 -0500 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Subject: RE: Gender Bias For Memes In-reply-to: <> References: <001201bff32e$fd6d30e0$4c05bed4@default> X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Win32 (v3.01b) Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To:
From: "Chris Lofting" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: Gender Bias For Memes
Date sent: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 10:33:55 +1000
Send reply to:
> Hi Kenneth,
> yes, these distinctions are covered at the websites but in a context of left
> brain/right brain and so you need to be wary. For example you use the
> action/language distinction. I understand what you mean but I think you may
> need to expand on it. There is the 'man of few words' cliche that goes along
> with well as the concept of a 'chatter-box' often used describing
> females...
> Not sure about consensus as male and opportunism as female. Consensus means
> an agreement and that is more female in that it is a term found in the space
> in-between objects; relational space - more female. Aha -- yes of course,
> the PROCESS of consensus making is female but once established so it becomes
> an object and so male. Thus the term consensus has a development process
> that follows the bind-bound-bond-blend where the initial phase is different
> parties 'circling' each other, spiraling through spacetime. They contract
> and move from a relational emphasis to becoming/establishing a whole in the
> form of an agreed-upon term/phrase/ruling etc.
> You have male linked to opportunism .. umm..yea..ok... if left to their own
> devices the idea is not to get consensus as to get consensus to THEIR point
> of view! Thus any perceived weakness in the other party is jumped-upon;
> there is still present the drive to be number one. The female emphasis is
> more on transformation, birth, where neither party 'wins' in that they all
> 'win'.
> And 'general' as male? umm...maybe I am misinterpreting this but since the
> emphasis in males is more overall on objects emphasis so there is a
> favouring the particular and the local so:
> Local --- NON-local
> Particular --- General
> We CAN mix these distinctions due to the use of the method of recursive
> dichotomisations (and you do mention this), but in general (!) we do see
> these gender differences. (but see later comments re education etc.)
> Perhaps in general/special you mean casual vs dressed-up? As in males wear
> the same jeans, sneakers, underwear (black suits) for months and the females
> dress differently everyday? :-)
> I find the suicide perspective is interesting in that the male blows their
> brains apart (very explicit, in your face) and the female takes a tablet and
> 'dissapears' (very implicit, quiet).
> Reason as 'female'. Ok, in that it tries to get BEHIND things. In the
> template the rationists are symbolised as 'female' in 'male', thus they try
> to describe differences in the context/format of 'one' (sameness). Thus the
> favouring of algorithms and formulas.
> The instinct of the male is in the form of stimulus/response, no feedback in
> that any type of a stimulus, regardless of degree, is met with the SAME
> response, there is no recognition of DIFFERENCE. The female has this as well
> but is also more discerning, she will look 'past' or 'behind' the stimulus.
> determine the degree and so response is more discerning.
> In teaching/training the idea is to (a) take the GENERAL stimulus/response
> (S/R) and (b) REFINE it. Thus we move from general S/R to particular S/Rs
> within the general. This teaching of discernment aids in giving us choice to
> such a degree where it all becomes habit and we 'return' to S/R but now with
> more choices. Martial Arts etc does this; by learning the Science of your
> Art (and visa versa) so you have more choices in expression.
> The male IS more single context and so more biased to 'react' without
> thought of consequence; the male is more 'totalist', fundamentalist whereas
> the female is more relativist, more context aware (and so more discerning).
> The goal of education is to 'refine' our gene-derived skills and our present
> system allows for the de-gendering of some of these seemingly
> gender-specific skills.
> Overall I have no problems with the list. you seem to have gotten the idea
> re left/right, sameness/difference etc.
> Best,
> Chris.
Considering Chris' circumnambulent loquacity, one might wonder if
(under Chris' own categorizations) Chris is short for Christine.
> Chris Lofting
> websites:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On Behalf Of
> Kenneth Van Oost
> Sent: Saturday, 22 July 2000 2:15
> To: memetics
> Subject: Gender Bias For Memes
> Vincent,
> Take a look at this
> Male Female
> Sameness Difference
> order change
> single context ' fuzz the bounderies '
> schizophrenia depression
> suicide (guns) suicide attempt (poison)
> action language
> instinct raison
> consensus opportunism
> general special
> dasein mitzein
> Darwin ? Lamarck ?
> (objects) (waves) relationships
> genetc ? memetic ?
> la nature naturelle ? la nature artificiel ?
> from out these very general discriptions we can easily assume that the male/
> female distinction has a solid bias to continu on !!
> Although both categories are as well male as female oriented we can suppose
> that on the ' original ' genetic/ memetic bias the discriptions are more
> male/
> more female processed and so the memes which evolved from this would too !?
> What do you think !?
> With thanks to Chris Lofting, I used some ideas...
> regards,
> Kenneth
> (I am, because we are)
> ===============================================================
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