Re: Replicator article
From: Ray Recchia (
Date: Sat 08 May 2004 - 00:05:26 GMT
Next message: Ray Recchia: "Re: Replicator article"
Just thought I would pipe in after a bit of lurking. I think that rather
attempt to pigeon-hole vague concepts like "replicator", we
should focus on more describing characteristics of what we observe,
regardless of what label we attach to it. Memetics is more a more
complicated nut than genetics because of the nature of replication.
DNA replication is easier to characterize than memetic replication for
two reasons: 1) because with rare exceptions it takes place at the
discrete level organism, and 2) because the chain of replication requires
only the two phases of DNA and anti-sense DNA. The phenomenon of
cultural evolution is more difficult to characterize because replication
occurs by bits and pieces and because the chain of replication involves
many elements from internal representation to external speech, writing
action, or artefact production. Each element of the chain can be
reproduced through a number of different pathways. E=mc2 may mean
different things to different people. For some people it is an
incompressible symbol of science. For someone who understands
the physics behind it, a very different internal representation is
created. Regardless o the internal representation, the external symbol
can be be reproduced.
Others on this list have argued because those internal representations
can be so different, we should not regard them as reproducing at all.
However, I believe that a fundamental basis for culture is a recognition
of the commonalities of internal representations. Two physicists who can
place E=mc2 within the context of each other's knowledge of physics share
an internal representation that they are capable of recognizing within
each other.
However, just as DNA can mutate in either it's sense or anti-sense form,
so too can culture mutate in any of its forms. Words may be
misheard or miswritten or smudged. The external shapes that culture
exists in are subject to selection pressures in those shapes. A sturdier
building that is observed may be replicated because of it's sturdiness
allows it to exist for a longer period of time. What makes the
building more sturdy is a cultural phenomenon that reproduces. In the
mind, internal representations are subject to a different set of
selection factors based upon other internal representations and upon the
limitations of mind that representations exist in.
Selection pressure exists a variety of levels even in biological
evolution. It was once thought that codons for amino acids were
just randomly arrived at and then became fixed. So for example according
to the old thinking it was random chance that the amino acid alanine
ended up coded by GCA,GCC,GCG,GCU. Recent research though, has shown the
codons are optimized to minimize the negative effects of single point
mutations, so that if an amino acid is changed, it is more likely to
change to another amino acid with similar biochemical properties.
At a much larger scale, mechanisms for introducing change, like crossing
over, and chromosomal mixing are also phenomena that exist due to
evolutionary pressure. This are no discrete elements of
selection. Selection occurs at every level. Variation is optimally
introduced at every level.
The notion of a world view is an important one. I think it might be
possible to come up with an objective method of looking at how internal
representations cluster together and what sorts of elements of internal
representations are likely to be found working together. But
saying that "world views" are "The Replicator" just
continues a pointless fight that we ought to be able to move
Ray Recchia
(In my typical way, I'll probably just go back to lurking now. I'm
away at a conference next week anyway.)
At 12:22 PM 5/6/2004, you wrote:
I'd like to say a few words
regarding the discussion of my paper which came up recently on this list.
I have been sympathetic to the memetic perspective for a long time, and
in some ways still am. The paper was not something I dashed off quickly,
but the result of nearly 20 years of reading, writing, and computer
modeling devoted to really getting to the bottom of the question: how
does culture *really* evolve?
Clearly ideas or memes do not consist of, as part of their information
content, self-assembly instructions (akin to genetic material), which get
carried out to form new copies. If they did, then for one thing,
inheritance of acquired characteristics would be prohibited. But we all
know that ideas or memes can inherit changes as they pass from one person
to another. If you read this email, you will accommodate it to your own
way of thinking, if you tell someone about it you will put your own slant
on it, perhaps garnish it with your own insights&.. It acquires
characteristics along the way. But that doesn't mean it isn't *evolving*;
it is undergoing descent with modification after all. So what is going on
In fact, inheritance through a self assembly code came about in
biological evolution only after millions of years of inheritance through
a more primitive, self-organized form of replication, which is more akin
to the form through which culture evolves. I argue that it is worldviews
or minds evolving, not discrete ideas or memes, because a worldview
constitutes an integrated, self-modifying, self-healing structure, and
that ideas or memes are how a worldview *reveals* or manifests its
(ever-changing) structure (like a slice through a log reveals something
of the internal structure of the wood, slicing at a different angle
reveals something different&). I wont go on to re-write the whole
paper here, but just mention that it is not a line of reasoning that can
be quickly dismissed after light reading of the title or abstract, and it
is better to read the whole paper before leaping to quick assumptions
about what it is saying.
PS The paper can be obtained in reprint form from the Biology and
Philosophy journal website (
or in html form from my website (below).
Liane Gabora
Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies, VUB, Brussels Ph: (32)2.644.26.77
Psychology Department, UC Berkeley, CA 94720-1650 Ph: 510-642-1080
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