RE: Was Freud a Minivan or S.U.V. Kind of Guy? Israel and Palesti ne.

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Thu Jul 20 2000 - 15:49:27 BST

  • Next message: Chris Lofting: "RE: Was Freud a Minivan or S.U.V. Kind of Guy? Israel and Palestine."

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    Subject: RE: Was Freud a Minivan or S.U.V. Kind of Guy? Israel and Palesti ne.
    Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 15:49:27 +0100
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    These are not fundamental categorisations, these are your idiolectic
    categorisations, and merely supports the main point of my last post.


    > ----------
    > From: Chris Lofting
    > Reply To:
    > Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 3:27 pm
    > To:
    > Subject: RE: Was Freud a Minivan or S.U.V. Kind of Guy? Israel and
    > Palestine.
    > > -----Original Message-----
    > > From: []On Behalf
    > > Of Vincent Campbell
    > > Sent: Thursday, 20 July 2000 8:29
    > > To: ''
    > > Subject: RE: Was Freud a Minivan or S.U.V. Kind of Guy?
    > >
    > >
    > > Ok, I think I've finally understood what he's saying, but I still
    > > think, so
    > > what?
    > >
    > > I'm tempted to go into another attempt to explain why I don't think this
    > > offers anything helpful, but I'll try and keep it short, and try
    > > a different
    > > tack. What it boils down to, for me, is that it simply replaces
    > > one set of
    > > categorisations (of whatever discipline, or disciplines you like) for
    > > another.
    > sort of. It actually shows you the fundamental set of categorisations that
    > all others are made from. Many of the 'other' categorisations are derived
    > from heuristic processes. Understanding the underlying structure makes
    > this
    > task a lot easier.
    > However alliterative and pleasant to say one makes these terms
    > > (all the Bs :-)) how does that actually get 'behind',
    > > 'underneath' etc. etc.
    > > except to make rather obvious statements that humans are limited
    > > perceptually by being human, and that we construct the world in terms of
    > a
    > > basic categorisation of same/different?
    > >
    > There is a structure involved in that ANY dichotomy will automatically
    > 'create' an instance of that structure and analysis will fill in the
    > spaces,
    > connect the dots. That structure becomes the source of meaning and as such
    > again serves as a guide to fleshing-out raw concepts in that it gives you
    > patterns to look for since all possible patterns of meaning are already
    > present, determined by the neurology even if only generally.
    > By understanding this ONE format so you can quickly get the ideas 'behind'
    > all other formats since all others are metaphors, particularisations for
    > the
    > ONE.
    > The bind-bound-bond-blend development path alone is worth understanding
    > since it seems to be the 'standard' development pattern moving from many
    > to
    > one (and in reverse one-to-many). This pattern is not restricted to
    > Darwinism etc, it is a fundamental pattern that is encoded in our ideas
    > and
    > in their generation.
    > There are no disciplines that I am aware of that give you this level of
    > precision in analysing themselves as well as other disciplines since we
    > are
    > dealing here with bedrock.
    > One point to reflect upon is that since there exists the distinction of ME
    > and NOT ME so all decision making, all predictions, will be expressed in
    > terms that map to the template and as such the template gives you all
    > possible patterns that can emerge from any point in time; thus it can be
    > used to predict as well as clarify things.
    > For example, using the bind-bound-bond-blend pattern (b1-b2-b3-b4) let us
    > reflect on the current Israeli/Palestine situation.
    > The template material, applied to ANY dichotomy, asks three questions of
    > any
    > state and with that can determine where on a path the situation is and so
    > HOW to get to the next state if there is a blockage or you need things to
    > go
    > a bit faster.
    > (Q1) Is the concept in question dealing with facts or values? Based on
    > what
    > has been going on in the area for over fifty years (and more) the emphasis
    > is on VALUES expressed in the form of LAND ownership. (you can select
    > facts
    > if you wish but watch...) The overall emphasis is very SOCIAL, GROUP
    > rather
    > than particular, individual.
    > (Q2) IS the concept about what 'was/is/will be' or about 'what could have
    > been/is NOT/ could be'? I would say the former, it is about what is/will
    > be
    > in that BOTH parties have their own agendas and are not really into what
    > could be.
    > (Q3) IS the concept proactive or reactive? I would say reactive in that it
    > was the US that was proactive to organise a meeting; prior to that all
    > meetings etc where more reactive between the isrealis and the
    > palastinians.
    > These three questions, interpreted this way, reflect a state found in the
    > template called contractive BOUNDING. This state deals with containment
    > and
    > control and is linked to MBTI types that emphasise
    > preservation/conservation.
    > This puts the current state of affairs at the BOUND position heading
    > towards
    > BOND and then BLEND (All previus work delt with BINDING, getting the two
    > parties to talk in the first place). The bound position emphasises
    > BOUNDARIES and in this particular scenario, Isreal/Palestine, that is the
    > primary sticking point at the moment. How do we change this? How can we
    > change this BOUND into a BOND?
    > Looking at the SYMBOLISM (the I Ching material) the above questions map to
    > a
    > symbol called water, the abysmal. It looks like this:
    > ___ ___
    > _________
    > ___ ___
    > (yin line over a yang line over a yin line). This symbol has been created
    > from the three questions asked where Q1 is YIN and is represented by a
    > broken line in the BOTTOM position. Q2 is YANG and is represented by the
    > middle position. Q3 is YIN and is represented by the top position. The
    > format of the three questions has been derived after a lot of work and is
    > based on how our brain starts to process data that is particular, a whole.
    > The base line is the fundamental, very hard to change and the distinction
    > of
    > facts/values is what drives gender differences for example.
    > To continue, noting the development pattern of B1-B2-B3-B4, we need to get
    > to the BOND symbol (B3) and it looks like this:
    > _________
    > ___ ___
    > ___ ___
    > (yang line over a yin line over a yin line). This trigram is called
    > mountain.
    > TO get from BOUND to BOND requires two changes, the form of the top TWO
    > lines. Relating these to the questions, Q2 and Q3 in particular. What does
    > this say?
    > Firstly Q2 needs to be changed from what WILL be to what COULD be. Since
    > both parties are very 'will be' at the moment this will require a little
    > trickary in the form of saying 'ok lets PRETEND for a minute regarding the
    > process of alternatives to the two we have.'
    > Once you get a 'could be' agreement you have changed the format of Q2 and
    > so
    > line 2.
    > Now, Q3 needs to be changed from a reactive state to a proactive state.
    > This
    > is best done by an emphasis on the hope/anticipate dichotomy where firstly
    > we emphasise HOPE and once that is established we then manipulate this
    > dichotomy by moving from the reactiveness in HOPE to the PROACTIVENESS in
    > anticipation; that is the only change requires to shift one from hope to
    > anticipation, to move from leaning back in your chair to leaning forwards.
    > By just changing these two lines you will shift the whole situation from
    > BOUND to BOND and that will be a shift towards total trust in others since
    > the b1-b2-b3-b4 sequence with a VALUES base is all about
    > distrust_of_others
    > to TOTAL_trust_of_others. (the YANG sequence deals with trust in
    > yourself).
    > Overall the current context is governed by the trigram of water, of
    > contractive bounding, and it is interesting to drop down a few levels and
    > see what other states are within this one. In particular there is a blend
    > state that deals with finding compromise (hexagram 6) and a another blend
    > state that deals with establishing uniformity AKA the ARMY. Note the
    > overall
    > containment-control emphasis.
    > IF you can move to BOND you move to self-restraint-discernment as the main
    > emphasis. That is another story but I think that this simple description
    > of
    > the template gives a good idea as to what is going on and has NOT come
    > from
    > in depth analysis of the middle east but from the simple, general,
    > categorisation and so establishment of an overall context that is
    > influencing things (contractive bounding) and by knowing the properties of
    > that, being able to link the dots.
    > I hope this has helped in demonstrating the ease in which this system can
    > work as well the quality of the data it can generate that we, at the
    > particular level, can then work with (in this case changing the top two
    > lines :-))
    > best,
    > Chris.
    > ------------------
    > Chris Lofting
    > websites:
    > >
    > >
    > ===============================================================
    > This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    > Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
    > For information about the journal and the list (e.g. unsubscribing)
    > see:

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