Re: MIT research reports rats dream of mazes

From: Chris Taylor (
Date: Fri Jan 26 2001 - 17:25:57 GMT

  • Next message: Robin Faichney: "Re: MIT research reports rats dream of mazes"

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    Yeah, I think I'm a bit guilty of steaming into other people's terminology having
    stewed on my own too long (I think I'm in the atheist-route group too btw). A gene
    doesn't have to be transmitted to be a gene because the definition is
    molecular-biological (although I'm stretching a bit because genes only come about in
    systems which are generational (because that is pretty much essential to life as we
    define it). The way I think about a meme is the same (although I may have lost the
    rights to the word) - essentially I see my units (~memes) as coherent chunks of
    information which have a meaning in some context. They could be in a mind, on a
    billboard, whatever; there is no genotype analogue as such - phenotypes beget
    phenotypes (giving a huge error rate and a large selection pressure for stereotypy as
    a result). In a mind the information is coded in a different way to on a billboard,
    or in speech, but you can trace the ancestry. I'm also an absolutist in that I think
    that all mental activity apart from the really base animal stuff is ~memetic. I keep
    coming back to ecosystems as my analogy, where every player is an organism; some are
    tigers, some are intracellular symbionts (i.e. an organism living within, and
    completely dependent on, a host) but all players are organisms.

    I'll do my homework so I don't look like such a newbie in future!

    Have a nice weekend.
    Cheers, Chris.

     Chris Taylor ( »people»chris

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