Fwd: Now They're Singing a Different Song

From: Wade T.Smith (wade_smith@harvard.edu)
Date: Fri Jan 19 2001 - 03:56:54 GMT

  • Next message: Aaron Agassi: "Re: Now They're Singing a Different Song"

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    Subject: Fwd: Now They're Singing a Different Song
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    ---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------

    From the BBC at:


    Songbird shows how evolution works

    By BBC News Online science editor Dr David Whitehouse

    Scientists may be witnessing one of the fundamental forces of evolution:
    divergence of one species into two.

    One of the largest mysteries remaining in evolutionary biology is exactly
    how one species can gradually diverge into two

    Darren Irwin, UCSD

    It is the evidence that the originator of the theory of evolution, Charles
    Darwin, wanted to see but was never able to find.

    The new data comes from the songs of the greenish warbler, a bird that
    in the foothills of the Himalayas. Researchers have noticed that its song
    changes gradually throughout its territory.

    At the extreme ranges of its habitat, the greenish warbler will sing very
    different songs. This means that although the birds belong to the same
    species, they will not mate. And eventually, they will become two separate

    One becomes two

    Biologists are saying that this shows how one species can become two, a
    process known as speciation.

    "One of the largest mysteries remaining in evolutionary biology is exactly
    how one species can gradually diverge into two," says Darren Irwin of the
    University of California, San Diego, US.

    The Himalayan warblers are an example of a rare condition known as a "ring

    "Ring species are unique because they present all levels of variation,
    small differences between neighbouring populations to species-level
    differences in a single group of organisms," says Irwin.

    Defending territories

    The greenish warbler (Phylloscopus trochiloides) lives in a ring-shaped
    region around the Himalayas with gradually changing behavioural and
    characteristics. The ring is broken in one place, in central Siberia,
    two forms of the songbird exist.

    "This creates a paradox in which two co-existing forms of the songbird can
    be considered as two species and as a single species at the same time,"
    remarks Irwin.

    "Ring species are valuable because they can show all of the intermediate
    steps that occur during the divergence of one species into two. In the
    greenish warbler, as in most songbirds, males sing to attract mates and to
    defend territories.

    "The greenish warblers living in the Himalayas sing songs that are simple,
    short and repetitive. As you go north along the western side of Tibet,
    moving through central Asia, the songs become longer and more complex,"

    Recorded songs

    Irwin and his co-researchers publish their study of the bird in the

    In their paper, they describe how when recordings of songs were played to
    warblers which sang differently, the birds did not recognise them - and so
    would not breed.

    "The greenish warbler is the first case in which we can see all the steps
    that occurred in the behavioural divergence of two species from their
    ancestor," says Irwin.

    "These results demonstrate how small evolutionary changes can lead to
    differences that cause reproductive isolation between species, just as
    Darwin envisioned."

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    Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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