Re: Darwinian evolution vs memetic evolution

From: Dr Able Lawrence (
Date: Sun Feb 04 2001 - 03:47:10 GMT

  • Next message: Robin Faichney: "Re: Darwinian evolution vs memetic evolution"

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    Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2001 09:17:10 +0530 (IST)
    From: Dr Able Lawrence <>
    To: Memetics Discussion List <>
    Subject: Re: Darwinian evolution vs memetic evolution
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        You have a point. It is not just the women who make choices, but men
    as well which explains why the womenfolk in a family become progressively
    more beautiful with passing generations of prosperity!

       But that does not negate my point. Here the choice of the female is
    influenced by memes and aesthetics. Here the prevalent choice for a
    suitable mate can change from time to time. the mate selection is
    influenced by memes and the survival of the meme is determined by choice
    but the survival of an organism or a genetic trait is determined by nature
    which is indifferent.
       Choice gets into the grand theatre of evolution only after the entry of

       Mate selection in evolution is determined by surival value and whoever
    chooses best gets selected by nature in the Darwinian scenario. But if we
    factor in memes, the choice itself keeps changing and evolve.

    Theory of evolution should be placed along with Einsteins Theory of
    relativity and the first law of thermodynamics in being the most
    fundamental and invariant theories.

    We must now rephrase evolution into

    General theory of evolution applicable to any replicating information
    system capable of three essentials 1)replication 2)variation 3)selection

    Special theories of evolution like the origin of biological species
    or that of culture. It is important that we must distinguish the subtle
    differences in evolution of biological organisms ,ie hardwired evolution,
    and the evolution of pure information.

    This progression from hardware software entanglement where each influence
    the other that we see in biological organisms to the evolution of pure
    information that we see in replicating computer programmes.
    We are now entering the era of computer software evolution. With the
    internet it is theoretically possible I would say that humans can lose
    control of computer programmes which are capable of variation. The reason
    we havnt seen much of it is that the degree of variation that we see here
    is not capable of supporting evolution. Another problem must be that the
    computer hardware and the OS environment is an oligopoly. The ongoing
    research on artificial life may tell us something.

                                       Able Lawrence

    On Sat, 3 Feb 2001, Wade T.Smith wrote:

    > Hi Dr Able Lawrence --
    > >in Genetic evolution there is no
    > >conscious choice by the participating players
    > Don't tell that to any woman....
    > >evolution of memes
    > >are influenced by the aesthetic values of the participating humans
    > And this seems like such a mobius strip of intentionality that I tend to
    > strike it quickly with Occam's tool, and let socio-biology sift out where
    > the aesthetic came from in the first place.
    > The aesthetic behind a woman's decision to allow a certain male to
    > impregnate her- how can it be said that is not genetic? It seems Wilson's
    > tether is long, but intact.
    > - Wade
    > ===============================================================
    > This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    > Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
    > For information about the journal and the list (e.g. unsubscribing)
    > see:

                                     Dr Able Lawrence MD
                                     Senior Resident
                                     Clinical Immunology
                                     SGPGIMS, Lucknow
                                     Ph +91 98390 70247

    This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
    For information about the journal and the list (e.g. unsubscribing)

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