RE: RE: Re: Wade's last week's phrase of the day...

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Tue Nov 13 2001 - 18:42:00 GMT

  • Next message: Wade T.Smith: "RE: RE: Re: Wade's last week's phrase of the day..."

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    Subject: RE: RE: Re: Wade's last week's phrase of the day...
    Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 18:42:00 -0000
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            <Tell them that you worship Satan. This one would really work
    wonders if you
    > had a pet goat running around the house, except that said goat would be
    > eating all your belongings while you watched the door to door religionists
    > scurry away in horror.>
            There was me thinking that my little anecdote would go unread (or
    possibly privately moaned about), so it's been fun hearing all these
    different strategies for dealing with the proselytizers of the world, even
    the more worrying ones like Scott's above (tempting though it is).

            I have often thought of doing the 'I believe in Satan' line to
    doorsteppers but in our moral panic culture, I'd probably end up being
    indicted for satanic crimes alleged by some recovered memory charlatan.


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