Re: memes and sexuality/ Gender Bias for Memes

From: TJ Olney (
Date: Mon Apr 16 2001 - 19:13:12 BST

  • Next message: J. R. Molloy: "Re: memes and sexuality/ Gender Bias for Memes"

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    From: TJ Olney <>
    Subject: Re: memes and sexuality/ Gender Bias for Memes
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    The memetics of gender very much contribute to communication difficulties
    between people of differing gender orientations. You will get much further
    with gender thinking if you make the distinction between gender as a social
    construct (memetically based of course) and sex as a biological one. The
    poles for the english language are then masculine <- -> feminine and not
    male<- ->female.

    What you will find across groups is that there are XY folks who are very
    feminine in their behaviors and XX folks who are very masculine in their
    behaviors. This includes their use of language and attribution of meanings to
    words. The problem that arises if we are not careful about the distinction
    is that the central tendencies for XX tend to be feminine and for XY to be
    masculine, and we start to really mix up what has been genetically
    determined, what has been genetically influenced, and what has been
    memetically influenced. There is getting to be some excellent research that
    has helped to tease out these differences. Hormones do matter, but,
    especially with drugs of various kinds, their influences can be drastically

    So few women?
    A strong gender bias exists for peace making vs argumentation. That bias is
    amplified by a cross cultural difference between different English speaking
    countries. Wade and J.R., of course, represents the ultimate masculine
    perspective of "I said it so it must be right, and even if it isn't I can
    defend it." (Which of course has given rise to the sweatshirts that say "If
    a man speaks in the forest and there is no woman there to hear, is he still
    wrong?") It's too bad I've had to put them in my "file with out reading"
    filter, because they both occasionally have very interesting things to say.

    We on the list have no way of knowing whether they are XX or XY, only that
    their verbal behavior represents a very masculine (current epoch) approach to
    communication. There are very few intelligent women willing to participate
    in a discussion with that point of view, it conflicts with feminine values.
    Maybe that is why so few self-identified-as-women participate on the list.


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