Re: The Status of Memetics as a Science

From: Trupeljak Ozren (
Date: Sun Apr 22 2001 - 19:43:56 BST

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    Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 11:43:56 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Trupeljak Ozren <>
    Subject: Re: The Status of Memetics as a Science
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    If we start with the assumption that memes have been with us for some
    time; that they follow the principles of evolutionary selection; that
    they are the reason behind our physical dominance on this planet;
    it would follow that releasing the knowledge about the specific
    mechanisms of their existence (knowledge of meme-engineering) could
    only lead to a greater diversity; and thus stronger, more robust
    "meme-system" (eco-system of the memes) for the whole of their "living

    Why do I believe that they (memes) are the reason behind our dominance?
    By definition, all transmited knowledge exhibits memetic behavior; and
    our physical dominance is the result of our knowledge of theory and
    application for laws of nature. The ideas standing behind the rise of
    scientific thought could very easily be perceived as being memes.

    Why would the release of knowledge of "meme-engineering" lead to
    greater diversity of existant memes? Well, from the simple fact that
    you would have many more nodes of replication that would mutate memes
    on purpose, not just by accident or "flashes of inspiration", and with
    far more knowledge of what the results might be.

    Why would this greater diversity of memes bring any good to us,
    humanity? Well, here I can only go by analogy with biology, in which
    the most complex systems exhibit surprising capabilities of survival
    and adaptation. In a way, by being exposed to more, and better crafted,
    memes, we can raise the immunity to truly virulent ones just by
    constant exposure. Fanaticism of any kind might become a rather small
    and isolated phenomenon, unlike today...that might be good. :)

    again, I might be discovering warm water. But I was provoked by the
    discussion on ethics of releasing the knowledge of how the human mind
    is manipulated to the general public. If we extoll the principles of
    evoultion to be the elegant truth behind our existence, why should we
    not accept them as our ethical system, too?

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