Re: memetics-digest V1 #1307

From: Van oost Kenneth (
Date: Sun 09 Mar 2003 - 17:15:18 GMT

  • Next message: Wade T. Smith: "Re: memetics-digest V1 #1307"

    ----- Original Message ----- From: "Wade T. Smith" <>
    > On Sunday, March 9, 2003, at 07:17 AM, memetics-digest wrote:
    > > It can only be observed if it is performed, true,
    > No, I'm not out, I'm filling up the bases and you keep walking them in
    > after every pitch even while you re-examine the slo-mo.
    > It can only be culturally re-performed if it is observed, as you say.
    > Memetics thus requires performance. Since the performance itself
    > requires other agents and environments than just one individual's
    > thoughts, what occurs during performance is the meme.

    But Wade, how ' big ' must the meme its information contents than be to be fully understood by the receiver !? I understand the above, that thus other agents and environments are needed to get the message across and that this requires more than one's thoughts, but how can we ever be sure about the sender its intention !? You have problems, like Vincent wrote, with the requirement for the totality of the meme to go from one mind to another, its form and meaning, but how consistent is this with what you wrote in your comment !?

    I too see problems arise that the whole of the meme(plex) is nee- ded to be understood by any observer. What might occur in one' s brain as a received thought/ idea/ meme can just be a result of how our brain spins its own web to get going_ and that thus what occurs during performance is not the meme, but what we finally be conscient of is !? And that thus, memes, like you said, have to be created enew every time due to shifts within the space/ time, or in the ways, like I already suggested, we say something to one another ( hard, with love, ironic, etc) or in the ways how we receive the initial message ( if we feel sick and someone says we look like an angel we feel better, in a different con- ceptual context we simply wouldn 't believe him).


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