From: Rosaria Conte (
Date: Mon Jan 24 2000 - 12:50:36 GMT

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    Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 14:50:36 +0200
    From: (Rosaria Conte)
    Subject: Call for Papers: Agents'2000 WORKSHOP ON NORMS AND INSTITUTIONS IN MAS
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                            Call for Papers


                            Barcelona, Spain
                  June 3 or 4, 2000 (final date TBD)
          (Held in conjunction with Autonomous Agents'2000)

    In recent years, several researchers have argued for the use of social
    abstractions, most notably the concepts of norms and institutions, in
    the context of multi-agent systems. Some researchers have produced
    interesting theoretical work that attempts to formally define and
    clarify concepts of social interaction such as norms, commitments,
    obligations, rights, permissions, responsibility, etc. Others have been
    developing architectures of agents capable of dealing with the existence
    of social norms and electronic institutions in their environment. Yet
    others have been exploring the use of electronic institutions in the
    design of robust open systems that are capable of coping with
    heterogeneity, limited trust and systemic dysfunctions. Finally,
    researchers in the area of social simulation have had a long tradition
    in using normative concepts and phenomena in order to design, evaluate
    and compare different organizational structures.

    The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers engaged in
    various aspects of the study of norms and institutions in the context of
    multi-agent systems and help us clarify the relationship between these
    various lines of work, understand how we can learn from each other and
    articulate an agenda for contributing to the design of better
    agent-based systems.


    Multi-agent systems are increasingly being considered a viable
    technological basis for implementing complex, open systems such as
    electronic marketplaces, virtual enterprises, military coalition support
    systems, etc. The design of open systems in such domains poses a number
    of difficult challenges, including the need to cope with unreliable
    computational and network infrastructures, the need to address
    incompatible assumptions and limited trust among independently developed
    agents and the necessity of detecting and responding to systemic

    Human organizations and societies have successfully coped with similar
    coordination challenges by developing norms and conventions, that is,
    specifications of behavior that all society members are expected to
    conform to. In most societies, norms are backed by a variety of social
    institutions that enforce law and order (e.g. courts, police), monitor
    for and respond to emergencies (e.g. ambulance system), prevent and
    recover from unanticipated disasters (e.g. coast guard, firefighters),
    etc. In that way, civilized societies allow citizens to utilize
    relatively simple and efficient rules of behavior, offloading the
    prevention and recovery of many problem types to social institutions
    that can handle them efficiently and effectively by virtue of their
    economies of scale and widely accepted legitimacy. Successful civil
    societies have thus achieved a division of labor between individuals and
    institutions that decreases the "barriers to survival" for each citizen,
    while helping increase the welfare of the society as a whole.

    Several researchers have recognized that the design of open multi-agent
    systems can benefit from abstractions analogous to those employed by our
    robust and relatively successful societies and organizations. There is a
    growing body of work that touches upon the concepts of norms and
    institutions in the context of multi-agent systems. This work moves in
    several directions, including:

    - Theoretical work (definitions of concepts related to norms and
    institutions, such as contracts, commitments, obligations, rights,
    permissions, responsibility, delegation, etc.; formal notations for
    expressing and communicating norms and institutions; etc.)

    - Architectural work (architectures of agents with norms; architectures
    of electronic institutions, etc.)

    - Prototyping and evaluation (prototype agent systems employing norms
    and electronic institutions in domains such as electronic commerce,
    coalition forces and disaster recovery; experimental evaluation of the
    effectiveness of given institutions in the face of heterogeneity,
    limited trust and unreliable infrastructure; etc.)

    - Social simulation (modeling of social and organizational institutions
    using multi-agent systems; use of normative concepts and phenomena in
    the design, evaluation and comparison of different organizational
    structures, etc.)


    The purpose of this workshop is to help us better understand how these
    various lines of work connect to one another and how, together, they can
    contribute to the design and implementation of better multi-agent
    systems. The topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to:

    - Formal definitions of normative concepts
    - Notations and languages for communicating norms and institutions
    - Architectures of agents with norms
    - Architectures of social institutions
    - Prototype systems employing the concepts of norms and institutions
    - Methodologies for evaluating the effectiveness of norms and electronic
    - Application domains for which norms and institutions are especially
      design metaphor
    - The use of norms and institutions in open environments
    - Norms and institutions in electronic commerce applications
    - Adaptive institutions
    - Emergence of institutions
    - Decentralized vs. centralized institutions and systems of enforcement
    - Social simulation and its relationship to electronic institutions


    The format of this full-day workshop will be a combination of
    contributed and invited presentations, panels, and discussion among the
    participants. There will be a limited number of sessions, each focused
    on a specific topic selected among the ones listed above, each including
    a small group of papers, with time for brief presentations and ample
    opportunities for discussion.


    Those wishing to participate in the workshop should submit an original
    research paper. Papers will be peer reviewed by at least two referees
    from the workshop program committee. Submitted papers should be new work
    that has not been published elsewhere. Paper submissions should include
    a separate title page with the title, authors (full address), a 300-400
    word abstract, and a list of keywords. The length of submitted papers
    must not exceed 12 pages including all figures, tables, and
    bibliography. All papers must be written in English. We are negotiating
    with publishers in order to publish the best papers of the workshop at a
    special issue of a high quality journal.

    The authors must send by email the title page of their paper by February
    24, 2000 to BOTH of the co-chairs. Submissions must be sent
    electronically, as a Postscript, PDF or MSWord format file, by February
    28, 2000, again, to BOTH of the co-chairs.

    Those wishing to attend without presenting a paper should send a
    position paper of up to two pages to the co-chairs. Attendance will, of
    necessity, be limited.


    Title page due February 24
    Submissions due February 28
    Notifications sent March 29
    Camera-ready copies due April 13
    Workshop June 3 or 4

    Chris Dellarocas Rosaria Conte
    MIT Sloan School of Management Institute of Psychology
    MIT Room E53-315 National Research Council
    Cambridge, MA 02139 Viale Marx 15, I-00137 Rome
    USA Italy
    Tel. (+1)-617-258-8115 Tel. (+39)-06-86090210
    Email: Email:

    Les Gasser, University of Michigan, USA
    Andrew Jones, University of Oslo, Norway
    Michael Huhns, University of South Carolina, USA
    Victor Lesser, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA

    Mihai Barbuceanu, University of Toronto, Canada
    Magbus Boman, Stokholm University, Sweden
    Jose Carmo, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
    Cristiano Castelfranchi, National Research Council, Institute of
    Psychology, Roma, Italy
    Helder Coelho, AgentLink
    Frank Dignum, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
    Mark Klein, MIT, USA
    Eugenio Oliveira, University of Porto, Portugal
    Juan Antonio Rodriguez-Aguilar, MIT, USA
    Giovanni Sartor, Queen's University of Belfast, N. Ireland
    Marek Sergot, Imperial College, UK
    Carles Sierra, Artificial Intelligence Research Insititute, Barcelona,
    Munindar Singh, University of North Carolina, USA
    Gerard Weisbuch, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France

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