RE: Simple neural models

From: Joe E. Dees (
Date: Fri Jul 28 2000 - 22:09:59 BST

  • Next message: Chris Lofting: "RE: Simple neural models"

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    Subject: RE: Simple neural models
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    From: "Chris Lofting" <>
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    Subject: RE: Simple neural models
    Date sent: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 01:17:03 +1000
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    > Joe's trichotomies:
    > focus/field/fringe
    > sign/signifier/signified
    > code/carrier/message
    > frequency/amplitude/waveform
    > He emphasises these in:
    > > You cannot reduce the focus to the field or fringe,
    > > the fringe to the focus or field, or the field to the focus or fringe.
    > > You cannot reduce the sign to the signified or signifier, the signifier
    > > to the sign or signified, or the signified to the sign or signifier. You
    > > cannot reduce the code to the carrier or the message, the carrier to
    > > the message or code, or the message to the code or carrier. You
    > > cannot reduce frequency to amplitude or waveform, amplitude to
    > > frequency or waveform, or waveform to amplitude or frequency, and
    > > in fact you have never done so, and lie when you maintain that you
    > > have, because it simply cannot be done.
    > This paragraph is of interest in that it may contain a fundamental
    > confusion, however this will become clearer after a summary of some
    > basics...
    > My emphasis (to summarise) is:
    > (1) we make maps by using recursive dichotomisations.
    YOU make maps that way, which do NOT adhere to the territory;
    most other people are more sophisticated than to restrict
    themselves to that single simple schema.
    > (2) these dichotomisations have a format, namely that of 1:many where the 1
    > is fixed and the many variable.
    This is typical oversimplistic reductionistic ChrisSpeak, of the form
    that 'the number three does not really exist; it is just a combination
    of one and two, and has no referent in my dualistic universe - why,
    we can count everything dualistically, and create all the major
    theorems of mathematics with just one and two - even the Four-
    CFolor Theorem, Fermat's Theorem, Goldbach's Conjecture, and
    Godel's Incompleteness Theorem - remember that in the Ark, two
    by two was quite enough
    > (3) we can symbolise dichotomisation in the form of A/~A.
    Yeah, not-many = one and not-one = many, but what about neither
    one nor many (not integral)? That's the Pi in your eye (not to
    mention e). Not only are there threes, fives and sevens, but they
    have square and cube roots, too. The world ain't irreduceably
    digital; your experience has been skewed through your computer
    work into the delusion that everything is reduceable to a J-K flip flop.
    > In my earlier post I emphasised that trichotomies come out of the ~A, there
    > are no trichotomies in A in that you cannot take the trichotomy as a
    > fundamental, nor the dichotomy, these are always dealing with HARMONICS. The
    > A is the fundamental, the ~A all else.
    You keep on saying this, but cannot prove it, because the false is
    unproveable. This is an example of the kind of nonthinking that
    convinces me that I have NOT insulted you; it may not be polite to
    call someone what they are, but the truth, by definition, can never
    be an insult.
    > Joe emphasises the irreducability of the trichotomies and I emphasise that
    > these CAN be reduced in that being harmonics they are reducable to the
    > fundamental. I have always emphasised the distinctions of whole, parts,
    > static relationships, dynamic relationships. These distinctions come from
    > simple recursive dichotomisation and we can see the source of Joe's
    > trichotomies when we apply the recursion:
    And he gives no fundamental, just word salad not concretely
    dealing with ANY of my examples. He keeps SAYING it can be
    done (his purported alchemical transmogrification of threes into
    twos), but does not DO it, because it CANNOT be done, and he
    believes that if he continues to repeat his Big Lie, that it will be
    accepted by the gullible as true.

    > basic dichotomy : A,~A
    > after first recursion: AA, A~A, ~AA, ~A~A
    > Note that we still have ONE A but the process has forced the emergence of a
    > ~A that has been differentiated into THREE and this is the source of the
    > trichotomy.
    You do NOT have one A there: you have AA, A~A, ~AA, ~A~A;
    you also do not have recursion; you have pairing of A and ~A with
    other A and ~A; as brainless as two and two is twenty-two. If you
    believe that such pairing is indeed recursion, then you do not
    understand the meaning of the term, which I will now helpfully
    provide for your enlightenment and edification on the matter.

                         Main Entry: re·cur·sion
                         Pronunciation: ri-'k&r-zh&n
                         Function: noun
                         Etymology: Late Latin recursion-, recursio, from
                         Date: 1616
                         1 : RETURN
                         2 : the determination of a succession of elements
    (as numbers or
                         functions) by operation on one or more preceding
    elements according
                         to a rule or formula involving a finite number of steps
                         3 : a computer programming technique involving the
    use of a
                         procedure, subroutine, function, or algorithm that
    calls itself in a step
                         having a termination condition so that successive
    repetitions are
                         processed up to the critical step until the condition
    is met at which time
                         the rest of each repetition is processed from the last
    one called to the
                         first -- compare ITERATION
    Recursion involves return; that is, self-reflection and self-reference,
    the stuff of complexity and the threshhold of Godelian
    incompleteness. Simply sticking one A after another is NOT
    recursion. If you really want to know more about the subject, I
    suggest you read RECURSIVENESS by Eilenberg and Elgot, but
    most likely you don't wish to know such things; you are an
    absolutely self-convinced guru wannabe in search of gullible
    acolytes. Belief, for you, is more than not wanting to know; it is
    wanting not to know, for to admit that you don't know about such
    things would be to transgress your carefully cultivated self-concept
    of someone with everything to teach and nothing to learn, a
    condition of believed omniscience commonly associated with
    megalomanic disorders.
    > ALL of Joe's trichotomies contain SECONDARY terms, HARMONICS of a
    > fundamental. Joe's emphasis is so aspects-oriented in his work that it leads
    > to the 'dumping' of the fundamental where these trichotomies are seen as if
    > fundamental, they are not. You cannot have the concepts of frequency,
    > amplitude, waveform WITHOUT a fundamental concept of a wave but you CAN have
    > the concept of a wave without knowledge of the particular aspects mentioned
    > (and we can add more aspects...)
    Fundamental concept of a wave - 1. Divides into frequency,
    amplitude and waveform - 3. There are NO TWOS THERE. This is
    a fundamental trisection, not bisection.
    > Thus the FULL set of terms is always a TWO (A/~A) or a FOUR
    > (AA,A~A,~AA,~A~A) or an EIGHT etc etc. If you exagerate the ~A elements by
    > dropping the fundamental then you get THREE, SEVEN, FIFTEEN etc etc and this
    > is an error in that this can take you into ga-ga land if you take the THREE
    > as fundamental. Thus the trichotomies, any X-otomies, are reducable to a
    > dichotomy (A/~A) which can be reduced to the 'one' but that serves no
    > purpose since to analyse we need some degree of difference.
    You are a permanent resident of ga-ga land, if you actually grant
    any credence to this unmitigated dreck. to what does your term
    "fundamental' refer (besides your fundamentalist mindset)? To the
    wave? Then ~A would have to be non-wave? Puh-LEEEZE!
    Frequency, amplitude and waveform are not negations of waves,
    they are constitutive of them - they comprise them.
    > >From a development perspective, Freud came up with the trichotomy of
    > ID,EGO,SUPEREGO and Charles Pierce came up with the trichotomy of firstness,
    > secondness, thirdness. BOTH failed to make the distinctions in
    > thirdness/SUPEREGO that the relational emphasis is too general, they failed
    > to emphasise the distinctions between STATIC relationships and DYNAMIC
    > relationships, thus the development pattern of ID, ID vs EGO, ID+EGO vs
    > SUPEREGO (IOW the ID+EGO of OTHERS)shows bifurcations at work. (with this in
    > mind, the elements of Joe's trichotomies can be mapped to parts, statics,
    > and dynamics; there is no fundamental stated and that is required in any
    > sort of analysis of meaning generation etc.)
    I'm not going to defend Freud; I consider his model reductionistic,
    simplistic, and mechanistic - yours is, however, even more so.
    Existence, awareness of existence, and assigning signification to
    (awareness of) that awareness, however, are successive levels of
    reference or recursion; the second is about, or refers to, the forst,
    and the thirs is about, or refers to, the second.
    > I have consistantly emphasised the distinctions of BLEND (whole), BOND
    > (Static relationships), BOUND (parts), and BIND (dynamic relationships) and
    > have above demonstrated these patterns in Joe's trichotomies which IMHO lack
    > precision by leaving out the fundamental.
    What fundamental? There IS NO WAY that you can reduce the
    whole to the status of any of its parts. Waves are not on the same
    level as frequencies, amplitudes or waveforms; the latter are parts,
    the former is the whole of which the latter are parts. Chris would
    try to convince you that a dog leg is coextensive with the dog. This
    dog either growls, gripes, grovels or groks, ayy?
    > Furthermore, if you change levels of analysis, to make each element of the
    > trichotomy the fundamental then the SAME patterns will come out, the
    > distinction of a fundamental and its harmonics and the recursion of this
    > distinction making creates descriptive states that work along a binary tree
    > pattern, no trichotomies other than those you create out of harmonics.
    NONE of the elements of the trichotomies I have presented is
    fundamental to the exclusion of the other two; they are co-
    primorial, which is why they are irreduceable to each other. You
    cannot reduce the sign to either the signified or the signifier, you
    cannot reduce the signified to either the signifier or the sign, you
    cannot reduce the signifier to either the sign or the signified, and
    you cannot equate the whole system of signification with any one
    of these three constituent parts (Charles Morris, FOUNDATIONS
    OF THE THEORY OF SIGNS). This is also true of the
    focus/field/fringe struction of perception (Aron Gurwitsch, THE
    FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS), the code/carrier/message
    structure of communication (Shannon and Weaver, THE
    frequency/amplitude/waveform aspects of wave propagation.
    > These
    > creations are the 'same' as we find in music, 3rds, 5ths, 7ths etc etc and
    > you cannot describe these without mentioning the KEY. Otherwise the world of
    > harmonics lacks grounding and you can create anything you like.
    Our particular piano keyboard is twelve tone, and japanese music
    is quintitonal (that's five, chris). In fact, people CAN create
    anything they like - even absurdities such as your nontheory. That
    doesn't mean that they'll pass the empirical acid test; yours
    doesn't, and was most probably conceived on acid. Come down
    and reconnect with the world.
    > For whatever his reasons, Joe seems to find problems with the BBBB concepts,
    > I think the above may show the 'error' that is causing his problems, namely
    > the failure to 'see' hierarchic systems and the brain's use of PRIMARY and
    > SECONDARY distinctions; IMHO Joe is 'stuck' in the SECONDARY and tries to
    > interpret it as PRIMARY -- a mistake.
    The only error I have so far made is the error of believing that you
    might not be adamantinely impervious to logical and rational
    reasoning utilizing empirical examples.
    > Chris.
    > ------------------
    > Chris Lofting
    > websites:
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