RE: mysticism etc

From: Gatherer, D. (Derek) (
Date: Thu Oct 05 2000 - 07:35:16 BST

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    Subject: RE: mysticism etc
    Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 08:35:16 +0200 
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    >That's quite interesting, given Glasgow's current image of being a pretty
    >dangerous city- within the UK that is.

    Yes, it does make one pause to wonder what the causes of violence really
    are. Glasgow in the 30s and 40s had the depression, the war etc., extreme
    poverty and social dislocation on a scale scarcely imaginable nowadays - and
    yet it didn't result in what we would nowadays regard as the typical
    correlates of such things. To go from 1 murder in 18 years to several a
    month nowadays, is clearly something important - but what's the cause? and
    all without scarcely a gun in sight!

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