RE: DNA Culture .... Trivia? - the beat goes on...

From: Chris Lofting (
Date: Wed Jan 17 2001 - 09:41:31 GMT

  • Next message: Chris Lofting: "....and the beat goes on and on and on..."

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    From: "Chris Lofting" <>
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    Subject: RE: DNA Culture .... Trivia? - the beat goes on...
    Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 20:41:31 +1100
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    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: []On Behalf
    > Of Vincent Campbell
    > Sent: Tuesday, 16 January 2001 10:06
    > To: ''
    > Subject: RE: DNA Culture .... Trivia?
    > >> Quite what your website page had to do with Joe's forwarded piece
    > about
    > >> qubits, I couldn't fathom.
    > >
    > >
    > >thats ok .. dont worry about it :-)
    > Chris, what I took from Joe's post, possibly erroneously, was an
    > indication
    > from current developments in quantum computing, about the basic fallacy of
    > the traditional dyadic nature of current computing (based on zeros and
    > ones). I think, it was an attempt to show that there are aspects of the
    > universe that are not inherently dyadic.
    > What your piece had to do with qubits, I couldn't see, but I'm bemused by
    > your smiley response. Forgive me, if I'm wrong, but you surely can't be
    > pleased that someone doesn't have a clue what you're going on about?

    your came across as not understanding it and that is fine by me, others do
    so it is not 'vital' that you do :-) simple. The paper deals with cellular
    automata and how applying certain rules, in particular rejecting any form of
    mixing (required for 3+) leads to the emergence of archetypal forms, in the
    particular case the baryon octet. (8s).

    The emphasis is on pure vs mixed and this is in a context of entangling twos
    and threes. Read the paper again and then recall that one of my many
    articles shows how combining dichotomous analysis with indeterminacy leads
    to the manifestation of wave interference patterns. This 'pops out' of the
    method of analysis and is demonstrated in such areas as the double slit
    experiments in QM.

    There is an implication re archetypal forms and this leads into their use in
    getting memes across through association with these archetypal images etc.

    For some background and further commentary on this 'mixing' consider the
    following cut'n'paste of some thoughts I have shared with others:

    Fundamental distinctions in data interpretations are purity vs mixing,
    sameness (the one) vs difference (the many, particular vs general). All
    methods of interpretation that get entangled to create more complex methods
    and so on.

    The 'and so on' leads to BOTH/ANDness where the 'still mind', full of
    potentials, is disturbed and seeks equilibrium by oscillations of
    'this'/'that' until a 'correct' state emerges, correct to the moment that is
    and within the bounds of current knowing. The young mind oscillates a lot as
    it acquires 'new' experiences.

    The disturbance sets off particularisation processes as we seek to clearly
    identify, to shift to EITHER/ORness (oscillations like this help us deal
    with paradox as well).

    Structures, Statics:

    Left hemisphere (in most, genetic diversity allows for variations) -- the
    ONE, single context, HIGH bandwidth, SHORT range and so VERY LOCAL, like an
    FM radio. EITHER/ORness. Emphasis on the ONE generalises to emphasis on
    PURITY and so INTERNAL linkage and so emphasis on discrete, cultural purity,
    racial purity, species purity etc etc very fundamentalist. The ONE emphasis
    favours clarity (the FM link) and so precision, the point, the dot, the
    word, the expression. The over emphasis on the point can 'miss' the
    forest... Overall left is occupied with its interpretations of what WAS,
    what IS, what WILL BE. IOW an emphasis on IDENTIFICATION. (male mind, child
    mind, psychotic mind; all have LOCAL emphasis, favours eternity and SAMENESS
    but in doing so leads to INDIVIDUALS that is interpreted OUTSIDE as
    DIFFERENCE. Left is linked to mania, schizophrenia etc GENERALISED behaviour
    reflected in fundamentalist groups, singleminded, all 'believe' in 'ONE'
    either religious or secular. Monadic perspectives)

    Right hemisphere -- the MANY, multi context, LOW bandwidth, LONG range and
    so more NON-LOCAL, favours AM radio. BOTH/ANDness. Emphasis is on HARMONICS
    and the linkage BETWEEN discrete objects, EXTERNAL linkage, and so an
    emphasis on MIXING. When you use this side to draw you dont remove the pen
    from the paper since 'all is linked'. This side is 'good' at pattern
    matching and so a qualitative emphasis rather than qualitative. The emphasis
    on precision is limited to approximations and so PROBABILITIES. The over
    emphasis on the field can 'miss' the trees... Overall right is occupied with
    what COULD HAVE BEEN, what IS NOT, what COULD BE. IOW an emphasis on
    RE-IDENTIFICATION. (female mind, parent mind, neurotic mind,
    depression/anxiety. Favours begin/end and DIFFERENCE; exageration of
    boundaries to bring-out or play-down an aspect. The linkage emphasis in
    patterns introduces an external perception of SAMENESS interpretation
    despite the DIFFERENCES bias). Di/Tri+-adic perspectives but lacking in
    precision other than qualitative that emerges from the pattern matching
    abilites. Buddhism biased links etc.

    These are all GENERAL biases and are STATIC (see below) and our disciplines
    show oscillations, e.g. Quantum Mechanics shows the use of both sides where
    the wave formation is 'right' and the collapse is to the 'left'. The same
    distinctions emerge in our categorisations of fundamental particles where
    fermions are more 'object-like' and bosons more 'wave-like'.

    Note that these distinctions actually reflect ONE:MANY processing all the
    way down to the neuron level where EXPRESSION is discrete, axon-like, and
    the data source, the dendrites, is wave-like, continuous. Soma acts to
    transform AM waves into FM pulses.

    The particle/wave dichotomy is like left/right but note that lobes within
    each hemisphere have the same left/right like patterns (e.g.
    temporal(objects)/parietal(relationships)). The MAIN distinction of
    left/right is PARTICULAR/GENERAL.

    The advantage of language is that it allows us to fold-up a local context
    and take it with us, thus we can tell stories etc and dont need to be in the
    particular context to aid in telling the story, the words can do that for us
    through resonance with personal experiences. This shows the PRECISION of
    language, and that includes non-verbal (an element missing on the net :-)),
    and the aid of language in travelling, nomads etc and so an emphasis on
    self-containment, a property of the left. Thus the left is BOTH raw and
    refined, the RIGHT is used for transformations through its exageration
    abilities, but then these are often illusions :-) (left is more delusional).


    The above of course is STATIC, mind comes out of DYNAMICS and that is
    reflects in OSCILLATIONS of left/right/left/right etc with the accumulated
    time spent in one hemisphere allowing for the characteristics of that
    hemisphere to generally dominate thought patterns (e.g. depression/anxiety
    and too much RH :-)). See for example
    in particular the hemisphere work.

    These dynamic processes reflect a 'still' mind acting like a pool where
    something is 'thrown in' and wave oscillations take place to re-establish
    equilibrium (where the disturbance is 'far from equilibrium'). For us these
    waves are waves of emotion that are used to encode, decode meaning and store
    that data as POTENTIALS which are converted back to ACTUALS to be used given
    a particular context. You can also use the holographic model where the pool
    is a storage of interference patterns (harmonics etc - all right brained.
    Also associates with DNA where the gene, the whole, is spread throughout the
    DNA, diffuse, and the whole is then 'recalled' and transfered to RNA,
    concentrated, contiguous, and that becomes EXPRESSION (left bias, SINGLE

    Out of all oscillations come 'forms', particular meanings 'coloured' with
    left/right biases etc. That is how all disciplines have developed.

    Reflecting on left/right and archetypal patterns, cellular automata reflect
    rigid EITHER/OR dynamics with simple rules applied. Thus is very 'left' in
    operation due to the emphasis on discreteness. Recent work in this area,
    using an emphasis on 'purity' shows the emergence of archetypal forms, in a
    particular case the baryon octet! Thus out of the dynamics of the 'discrete'
    left come archetypal forms, which correlates with the general 'ONENESS' of
    the left. For Professor Isaacson's paper See

    If you are not sure what this means then consider:

    In the context of Professor Isaacson's work (Above link), there is an
    emphasis on 'purity' IOW only sequences of 111 or 000 are acceptable, any
    'mixing' (101 or 110 etc) is removed/ignored etc etc When you apply this
    'rule' out pops 'archetypal' forms, self-contained patterns.

    It so happens that the EITHER/OR part of our brain is linked to
    fundamentalist, archetypal thinking and this EITHER/ORness is reflected in
    'purity' processes as above. (archetypal concepts favour reproduction that
    is asexual or androgyne, fractal-like :-))

    There is something 'fundamental' going on dealing with the border of twos
    with threes where out of the middle of a dichotomy (twos) emerges patterns
    upon patterns.

    This points to the world of pure mathematics where applied to itself leads
    to the emergence of 'ideal' forms.

    In the I Ching, if I apply a 'tri' rule I can convert 64 hexagrams (2^6)
    into 27 symbols (3^3).

    EVERY PAIR of yin/yang in a hexagram are converted to the following:

    two yin = yin
    two yang = yang
    one yin/yang = X

    Note the X reflects MIXING, the other TWO reflect PURITY. Also note the
    subtle *distortion* where the X contains not ONE distinction but TWO but X

    This 'rule' gives us THREE distinctions; we are converting a binary based
    representation to a trinary based one.(With a subtle in-built distortion.
    like a visual blurring, fuzzyness of the undifferentiated :-))

     This transformation of twos biased representations into threes bias
    representations leads to 8 of the hexagrams being 'pure' such that 8 of the
    27 symbols 'map' to 8 hexagrams, 1:1. All of the other symbols encode groups
    of hexagrams, there is no 1:1 but 1:many. (the pure hexagrams reflect the
    grouping of only yin or yang pairs, there is no X.)

    All of the 8 hexagrams are 'pure' in the context of the applied rule, same
    result we get from Professor Isaacson applying the same general rule, purity
    only, all else is rejected and that leaves you with eight 'points' of
    interest, invarient forms.

    This can lead to the suggestion that 'deep' reflection, which acts as a
    recursive process, can lead to the mental discovery of archetypal forms
    regardless of their reality.

    Are these forms a result of the process, reflecting 'us' and the METHOD of
    analysis or (!) are these reflecting fundamental patterns in the universe?

    Note in my wave diagram ( that when
    the 64 are converted to 27 and when placed in order, from 'pure' yin end to
    'pure' yang end the number of hexagrams 'encoded' into each of the 27
    symbols, when graphed reflect a wave interference pattern,the same sort of
    pattern we see in the double slit experiments in quantum mechanics, it too
    based on recursive dichotomisations reflected in the EITHER/OR mappings of
    EITHER left OR right slit and the resulting wave pattern on the photographic
    plate BEHIND the slits. (BTW The A...ZZ mapping is simply for identification
    of the symbols, 26 letters to 26 symbols with the 27th getting tagged as ZZ)

    When we look at Aristotle's syllogisms we have 256 algabraic combinations
    and of these we find only 19 are 'of value', the reduction process lead to
    the same pattern emerging where threes (syllogisms) are mixed with twos

    So we see a pattern in METHOD:

    Applying threes to twos:

    I Ching
    Quantum mechanics
    Professor Isaacson's Cellular Automata.

    The patterns reflect distinctions of 'discrete' from 'continuous';
    invariance from variance; purity, quality forms, from mixing. (this suggests
    that in QM, those areas in the wave interference that have no hits will in
    fact have a band of singles...somewhere...:-) ..)

    There is something going on here. My emphasis is on the METHOD of analysis
    in that the method is a dichotomy that is 1:many, not 1:1. The many is
    variable and out of that comes di-chotomy, tri-chotomy, X-otomies. My
    exercise with the I Ching shows the wave patterns come out of the METHOD of
    analysis and we can abstract that to ANY dichotomous analysis... Note that
    the fundamental 8s discussed above are 'repeated' at another level but now
    there are TWO fundamental per slot, not ONE; bifurcation at work.

    The whole of fundamental physics reflects the METHOD OF ANALYSIS in that
    experiments based on dichotomisations MUST GIVE RESULTS CONSISTANT WITH THE
    CONCEPT OF DICHOTOMISATION and that includes the wave interference patterns;
    the METHOD creates the patterns and the patterns must be interpreted WITHIN
    THAT CONTEXT. Many are jumping out of box too quickly, suggesting that
    wave/particle duality is 'real'. Not necessarily so :-)

    ANY attempt to 'map' reality will always be tied to the set of meanings that
    are determined by the method and if you are not aware of how we process data
    etc then you will speculate all sorts of things!


    Chris Lofting
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