Re: Is Information Informative !?

From: Van oost Kenneth (
Date: Sun 11 Jan 2004 - 20:08:52 GMT

  • Next message: Bruce Edmonds: "CFP: Evolutionary Epistemology, Language & Culture"

    ----- Original Message ----- From: "derek gatherer" <>
    > Data is not information.
    > Information is not knowledge.
    > Knowledge is not understanding.
    > (So if your 'information' is not informative, it's
    > just data.)
      Remus, Derek and all,

    The context from where I got the initial concept for my original post is all about pictures_ photographs, just specific snap- shots of a particular moment in time. The " information " within the frame taking by the photographer is just an image stopped in time. No rhetoric can silence the core of a photo, an excution is an excution, but there is no additional
    " information " about what is shown.

    If you want more detail, you have to get the discussion about the power of emotions first, like Diego argues. Such a discussion opens ways for a more detailed treatise about cruelty, about pain in general. So you have to get a certain amount of " imagination " to get to the point of a more general understanding of what you see.

    According to some ( Sontag Susan) firstly you have to think ( what is going here ), secondly there is the concept of " remerbering "
    ( victims) but in most cases that is falling behind. So we must not consider things but we must take into account the concept of imagination. Imagination as the unique ability to step in one's shoes, to understand why ' victims '( suicidebombers) become active !

    If information is anything that reduces the uncertainty of a viewer then photographs are not the best informs- models. Sontag argues that considering photo's as being images of a kind of ' fictional violence ' ( there is no emotional depht within) is pro- blematic, moreover it is a charter for no further questioning and analyses. Taking like this we can argue, ok, than such images are ' noises ', but I think this passes the concept of imagination. So, no in this way I can 't agree. Photographs, taking rightly and in good ways, must show " reality ", must show the hardness of poverty, abuse and misery. Ethics, like Sontag says, is no part of taking a picture.

    So, for having an information being informative, we need the human abilty of imagination....what reduces the uncertainty is our ability to imagine what any kind of victim felt being attacked.



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