Paper relevant to memes

From: John S. Wilkins (
Date: Thu 14 Apr 2005 - 03:33:44 GMT

  • Next message: Scott Chase: "Julian Huxley on biological and cultural evolution (a must see)"

    There was an issue of Biology and Philosophy last year that reviewed Extended Phenotype in retrospect. It icluded papers by Dawkins, Jablonka and a really neat paper by J. Scott Turner on some nice examples of EPs.

    The Jablonka paper has some relevant discussion of memes as "variations in non-symbolic patterns of behavior, and variation in symbolic patterns of behavior".


    John S. Wilkins
    Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    Biohumanities Project
    School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics
    The University of Queensland
    Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
    Tel +61 7 3365 6348
    Mobile 0418 543 856
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