Home  firma project home page
Project Summary Summary of the project's aims and objectives
Publications List of publications from the firma project including links to some
Reports List of reports from the firma project
Partners Details of partners involved in the firma project
Timeline A timeline of firma project
Firma Water Games Details of, and links to, water simulation games designed as part of the firma project
Partners Only Section  For firma partners only - no access
Regional Applications       Home page of Regional Applications of firma project
Regional Application Barcelona 
Regional Application Limburg 
Regional Application Thames Region 
Regional Application Orb Valley 
Regional application Zurich 
Tutorial     Home page of Tutorial for firma project members and www users
Tutorial : Modelling

| approaching agent based modelling

| lake anderson with agents

| perspectives in agent based social simulation

| mental modelling and model moderation

| modelling for firma: an example

| supporting social simulation

| a multi-agent toolkit

| how to implement social policies

Tutorial : Hydrology

| hydrology + modelisation

| hydrosocial issues in the firma project

| comparison of river basin managment

| integrated river basin managment

| property institutions and water rights 

Tutorial: Integrated Assessment
Tutorial : Conclusion

| modelling conclusions

| water conclusions


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