When Simple Measures Fail: Characterising Social
Networks Using Simulation
By: Bruce
Edmonds and Edmund Chattoe
Date: 28th July 2005
CPM Report No.: CPM-05-158
Presented at the Social
Network Analysis: Advances and Empirical Applications Forum,
Oxford, July 16-17 2005.
Simple egocentric measures are often
used to give an indication of node importance in networks, for example
counting the number of arcs at a node. However these (and even less
obviously egocentric measures like centrality and the identification of
cliques) are potentially fallible since any such measure is only a
proxy for the structural properties of the network as a whole. The
effectiveness of such proxies relies on assumptions about the
generative processes which give rise to particular networks and these
assumptions are not (and possibly cannot be) tested within the normal
framework of Social Network Analysis (SNA). In case studies of real
social networks it is often difficult to get enough data to evaluate
how faithfully the standard network measures do characterise the
network. Given these empirical and methodological difficulties,
therefore, we use a set of agent-based simulations as case studies to
investigate some of the circumstances in which simple measures fail to
characterise key aspects of social networks. Using this approach we
start to map out situations where simple measures might not be trusted.
In such circumstances, we suggest that an alternative approach (in
which agent-based simulations are used as a sort of dynamic description
capturing qualitative facts about the target domain) might be more
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