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Modelling Learning as Modelling


1 - Motivation
2 - Criteria for a Good Model of Agent Learning
2.1 - Rigour
2.2 - Incrementality of the Learning Process
2.3 - Examinability of models learnt by the agents
2.4 - The existence of different trade-offs in model search
2.5 - The importance of the form of the agent's models
2.6 - Expressiveness of the Internal Language of Representation
2.7 - Practical to simulate
3 - Alternative learning paradigms
4 - Agent Models with defaults
5 - Criteria an agent might use in the search for a good internal model.
5.1 - Accuracy
5.2 - Measures of Model Specificity
5.2.1 - Generality
5.2.2 - Scope
5.2.3 - Precision
5.2.4 - Volume
5.3 - Cost
5.4 - Complexity
6 - Some Possible Agent Strategies
6.1 - Example strategies for agent model development
6.1.1 - Crossover
6.1.2 - Specializing the agent's model.
6.1.3 - Generalizing models of the agent.
7 - Towards a Specification of a Framework for Modelling Economic Learning by Modelling
7.1 - The General Framework
7.1.1 - The Space of Possibilities
7.1.2 - The Internal Language of Representation.
7.1.3 - The semantics of L
7.2 - A specification of the agent
7.3 - Assessing an internal model
7.3.1 - Error
7.3.2 - Complexity
7.3.3 - Volume
7.4 - Model search
7.5 - Action selection
8 - Some simple consequences of the framework
8.1 - The logic induced on L by m and PS.
8.2 - Response to Noise
9 - An Example Model - Utility Learning Agents
9.1 - General Description
9.2 - Formal Structure
9.3 - Implementation
9.4 - Results
10 - Conclusion

Modelling Learning as Modelling - 23 FEB 98

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