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8 Some simple consequences of the framework

8.2 Response to Noise

By noise we mean the aspects of the past accessible of observable data which are not currently capturable or describable by any of its internal models. This may be due to many reasons including (but not exclusively) inherent or effective randomness introduced in the data.

Let us say the distance of the internal model from the past data is large. Given the framework above what are the options conceivable open to such an agent? There are several, some of which I list below.

The actual course taken will depend on the trade-off relevant to the agent. It is interesting to note that these different courses of action correspond closely with different conceptions of noise - noise as the unexplained, noise as randomness, noise as excess variation, noise as irrelevance and noise as the unrepresentable.

Modelling Learning as Modelling - 23 FEB 98
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