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7.1 The General Framework

7.1.1 The Space of Possibilities

There is a space of possibilities, PS, inherent in the agent's environment. Typically in simulations this space will usually be a product of a limited number of spaces, representing the different variables (one of which may be time). In many economic simulations these spaces, , will just be either boolean or a finite range of numerical values, for example a range of prices of limited range and precision. More generally these spaces could themselves be a space of language expressions, for example, a language of negotiation. If the language includes binary relations on V, for example expressing that today's price is always at least as great as yesterday's, then the space of possibilities may need to be , and larger for tenary relations (etc.). Of these spaces, , typically some will be decidable by the agents (settable by its action), some will be directly observable and others will only be indirectly inferrable.

Modelling Learning as Modelling - 23 FEB 98
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