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Efficient Forward Chaining for Declarative Rules in a Multi-Agent Modelling Language
- Contents
- Abstract
- 1 - Introduction
- 2 - Motivations for strictly declarative rules
- 3 - Representation of knowledge in SDML
- 3.1 - Clauses
- 3.2 - Databases
- 3.3 - Rulebases
- 3.4 - Models
- 4 - Firing rules
- 4.1 - Forward chaining
- 4.2 - Compilation
- 4.3 - Dependencies and partitioning
- 4.4 - Optimising cycles in rulebases
- 4.5 - Backward chaining
- 5 - Assumption handling
- 5.1 - Creating assumptions
- 5.2 - Assumption tags
- 5.3 - Resolving assumptions
- 5.4 - Optimisations
- 5.4.1 - Partitioning
- 5.4.2 - Extending dependency graphs
- 5.4.3 - Ordering within partitions
- 5.4.4 - Invalid combinations of assumptions
- 5.4.5 - Validities
- 5.5 - Random and arbitrary decisions
- 6 - Performance
- 6.1 - Benchmarks
- 6.2 - Measurements
- 7 - Comparisons with other approaches
- 7.1 - Logic
- 7.2 - Truth maintenance systems
- 7.3 - Other declarative rule-based systems
- 8 - Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- References
Efficient Forward Chaining for Declarative Rules in a Multi-Agent Modelling Language - 16 FEB 95
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