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Efficient Forward Chaining for Declarative Rules in a Multi-Agent Modelling Language

2 Motivations for strictly declarative rules

The "procedural-declarative controversy" has often been discussed in Artificial Intelligence (in
[18] for example). Imperative (or procedural) structures specify how to do something, whereas declarative knowledge specifies what is true. Imperative techniques are usually justified on the grounds of efficiency or because some kinds of knowledge are hard to represent declaratively. Declarative knowledge tends to be more modular (because imperative structures combine knowledge and control information) and economic (because the same knowledge can be used in many different ways). More importantly, they have better semantics being more closely related to logic, leading to the following advantages for declarative rules in general (Section 8 examines how these motivations apply to SDML):

All these motivations entail that modellers who use declarative rules can have more confidence that their models are correct and that they yield correct results.

Efficient Forward Chaining for Declarative Rules in a Multi-Agent Modelling Language - 16 FEB 95
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