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6 Conclusion

6.3. CDAP simulation analysis

The constancy of the parameters of the CDAP functions has been taken for granted in the models reported here. Changing the relationships between prices and market shares is one of the objectives of marketing strategies. Such changes could result from affecting perceptions or affecting preferences. Changes in fashion are treated naturally as changes in the ideal value of an attribute while brand managers who follow fashion trends will seek to change the customers' perceptions of the brand to bring the perceived attributes in line with current fashion. Possibly, the importance of particular CDAPs or customers' tolerance to deviations of an attribute value from the ideal can be changed by marketing. These are issues that would have to be addressed by models which entail some representation of marketing strategies and their possible effects on customer perceptions and CDAPs. This, too, is a matter for further research.

Artificially Intelligent Specification and Analysis of Context-Dependent Attribute Preferences - 03 NOV 97
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