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Artificially Intelligent Specification and Analysis of Context-Dependent Attribute Preferences
The system and results reported here were obtained as part of the Intelligent Marketing Integrated System (IMIS) Project conducted in collaboration with United Distillers PLC as part of the Information Systems Integration Programme of the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Department of Trade and Industry under contract number IED/4/8022. The programming language used in developing IMIS is SDML, designed and implemented by the Centre for Policy Modelling using the VisualWorks 2.5 development environment supplied by ParcPlace/Digitalk (UK) Ltd. The data was provided by United Distillers who have generously supported IMIS from its inception. Clive Sims of Competitive Analysis International suggested basing demand analysis on need-states which we formalized as CDAPs. We thank our colleague Steve Wallis and our collaborators in IMIS, Michael Campbell and Paul Ormerod for their encouragement and help in establishing the programme of which this paper is a result.
Artificially Intelligent Specification and Analysis of Context-Dependent Attribute Preferences - 03 NOV 97
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