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Artificially Intelligent Specification and Analysis of Context-Dependent Attribute Preferences

6 Conclusion

The CDAP paradigm will support a variety of applications and can also rely upon and inform conventional market research techniques. We identify some of these extensions presently. It is also important to note, however, that CDAP models are likely to be inappropriate in some markets.

The markets in which CDAP analysis can make a substantive contribution are those where there can be a range of distinct purposes for making the purchase and where different attributes of the commodities purchased are required to fulfil the purposes of the purchase. In the case of alcoholic beverages, the range of purposes or needs which can be satisfied is large. But other branded consumer goods such as dishwashing detergents have only one purpose and are used only in one context: dishwashing. The application of CDAP functions to represent consumers in such markets would be interpreted as a distribution of household preferences and, as such, could be used to assess demands for different brands based on brand image alone. The distance measure and reach function would remain applicable in the obvious way.

While we do not assert that the CDAP paradigm is applicable to all markets, there are three natural developments which could be the subject of further research. One is the application to other types of market than markets for fast-moving consumer goods. Another is to determine the relevant attributes and to derive at least some indication of relevant CDAP states and corresponding functions by market research. The third is to use the CDAP paradigm for scenario analysis. These are considered in turn.

6.1. - Examples of further applications
6.2. - CDAP specifications and market research
6.3. - CDAP simulation analysis

Artificially Intelligent Specification and Analysis of Context-Dependent Attribute Preferences - 03 NOV 97
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