of Memetics -
Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
Information for Authors
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Policy Commitments of JoM-EMIT to Authors
We accept only the highest quality papers in terms of originality, significance
and accuracy.
Given this we aim for a rapid publication process. The means of submission,
review and publication are entirely electronic. Papers will be reviewed
in less than two months (unless a specialist or third reviewer is required).
After receipt of the final version in the specified style and format, papers
will be published in ten working days.
We will give contributors a clear yes/no decision, subject only to possible
revision in order to meet our stylistic standards or correct factual errors.
Any conditions of publication imposed will not seek to change the direction
or sense of a paper. Referees may suggest changes of content but if the
article is accepted for publication then these will not be compulsory.
If rejected the author will be given clear reasons for this decision.
General Theme and Scope
Any papers that fall within the theme
and scope of the journal will be considered for publication. This can
include letters, research notes and survey articles. Letters must be comments
about a previous publication in JoM-EMIT. Research notes are very brief
papers that extend or evaluate previous work. Survey articles can be either
tutorials or literature reviews, but they should contribute an analysis
or perspective that advances our understanding of the subject matter.
Each paper should be original unpublished work that is not currently
under consideration for publication elsewhere. Versions of works that have
been published at conferences will be considered.
JoM-EMIT sees itself as a place for quality academic debate rather than
as a showcase for perfectly finished texts. We only accept papers that
reach high standards of content and style. If the reviewers feel the paper
is acceptable in terms of content, we will not make this publication conditional
upon changes of this content (for instance additional references), although
the reviewers may well give advice. If the paper has stylistic or factual
deficiencies the managing editor may insist on these being remedied as
a condition of publication.
If the paper is rejected on grounds of content, the author will be given
clear reasons why this was so. The managing
editor will also give an opinion as to whether the paper would be acceptable
if revised. Only if the deficiencies communicated are remedied can the
paper can be accepted for review once more.
Criteria for Publication
Content: relevance to the journal, originality, soundness
of argument, validity of method and sources, and the importance of its
Style: readability, clarity of aims and conclusion, clarity
of reasoning, conciseness, good grammar and adherence to the journal style.
The managing
editor can refuse papers before review on the grounds of clear absence
of quality or relevance to the journal and any abusive or insulting language.
The Review Process
All papers will receive two referee reports initially.
If these two are in disagreement as to acceptance then a third referee
report will be obtained . The author will be informed of this fact, as
this might entail a delay.
Each paper will be sent to the referees along with clear guidelines for
assessing articles.
Each referee will be required to give a clear yes/no decision as to acceptance.
If a referee does not feel this is possible, a replacement referee will
be found.
Papers will be reviewed within six weeks, unless it has been necessary
to obtain a specialist or additional referee, in which case it may take
Referees will give clear reasons if they decide to reject a submission.
If they decide that the submission is acceptable for publication they may
make suggestions about the content but these are not compulsory for publication.
If accepted the managing editor may make reasonable requests for revision
in order to meet the stylistic standards of the journal, based on the referee's
reports and the managing editor's own judgement. These are compulsory if
the article is to be published.
Adherence to guidelines regulating format and style of final submission
are compulsory for any paper accepted.
After a paper is accepted, authors will be required to transfer copyright
of the article to the editorial board. The article cannot be reprinted
in another publication without the publisher's permission, although this
will frequently be given. Authors may keep electronic copies accessible
to the public on their local server on condition that it is clearly indicated
that it is published in JoM-EMIT and a clear link made to URL
The author then has one month to make revisions. If authors need longer
they need to negotiate this with the managing editor.
Once the manuscript is returned in the specified format and style, papers
will be published in the current volume of the journal within ten working
Papers are only publicly advertised in newsgroups and mailing lists when
a complete volume has been collected. Although immediate notification will
be made to those who have subscribed to the journals announcement list.
Once published the authors may submit further forward links to subsequent
electronically published work that is relevant to the published article.
Optional Commentary Process
The author can request that short commentaries be published alongside the
paper. This means that the paper will be published along with a number
of short commentaries [less then 800 words]. If authors choose a commentary
process, they must submit a list with e-mail addresses of at least five
people that could submit a relevant commentary. Author must then also submit
the points on which they think their paper is suitable for commentary [for
instance controversial issues, or new theories].
The managing editor decides if a paper is suitable for commentary, but
will not decline before discussing it with the author, and the reviewers.
Commentaries can only be asked on the basis of a paper that is already
approved of in peer-review. All commentaries will be reviewed by one reviewer.
After all commentaries have been approved, the author can write a reaction.
This reaction will be reviewed by one reviewer.
Initial Submission for review
With every initial submission there should be an e-mail to the managing
editor at
which must include the following information:
the names and affiliations of all authors;
the e-mail addresses the authors (at least one must be provided);
contact addresses for all authors;
a short abstract of not more than 300 words;
a list of all external URL links referenced in the paper
a description of any software or other related materials the authors wish
to be made accessible with the paper.
Receipt of submissions will be sent by e-mail.
If it is possible and the author does not feel it is inappropriate to
the nature of the submission, we prefer the initial submission to be in
the form of ascii text. In this case please email it directly to
If this is difficult to provide or the paper includes many diagrams,
tables or equations then they will have to use one of the formats specified
below and use anonymous ftp to upload it to the /pub/jom-emit/submissions
directory at using binary mode.These
can be collected and/or compressed using gzip, compress, tar, pkzip or
programs that are 100% compatible with these.
Exceptionally we will also accept articles on a 3.5" floppy disk. In
this case please e-mail the managing
editor for instructions.
Acceptable Formats
The following is a list of formats are acceptable for submission:
Microsoft Word™ Version 6.0 or Version 2.0
Wordperfect™ Versions 5.x
FrameMaker 4.0 MIF format
Microsoft Rich Text Format (RTF)
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) with or without Netscape's HTML extensions
Pure Ascii text
Images of all types must be submitted in GIF or JPEG formats because these
are readable by most WWW browsers. We ask that authors reduce the image
to as small as possible, while retaining legibility. Exceptionally we will
accept other formats, but check this with the publisher
If computer programs are to be included then they must be in a form
that is freestanding or will operate with public domain software that is
readily available over the Internet. Each computer program should be accompanied
by its source code and complete documentation including step by step instructions
for the installing and running the program. If you intend to submit software
please contact the publisher
Articles may be accompanied by appendices containing data, instructions,
or any other material that is relevant but might make the main article
Any queries about formats should be e-mailed to the publisher.
The language of the journal is English.
The written style of the article should be readily comprehensible to an
academic in the field and grammatically correct. The Chicago Manual of
Style is a good guide to this.
We strongly encourage authors to be concise. Short, high-quality articles
will be welcomed, in addition to more lengthy articles
The article should start with the title, the authors' names and institution.
We also encourage the addition of e-mail addresses and any relevant URLs.
The paper should include an abstract and a list of up to 10 keywords describing
the paper.
It should include an introduction which includes a brief preview of the
sections of the article.
There should be no more than 3 levels of headings (sections, subsections
and sub-subsections). These should be numbered 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2.2, 1.2
etc. for ease of reference.
Each diagram, table and chart to be included must be explicitly referred
to in the text. However, the content of diagrams, tables and charts should
be meaningful and understandable without extensive reference to the text
of the article.
Any equations that are important or are referred to elsewhere in the text
should be numbered.
Any acknowledgements should be placed at the end of the article in a separate
section just before the references.
References should be made numerically. The references should be listed
at the end of the article in order of author's surnames then date. If an
electronic version or other electronic information is available for any
reference, please include the relevant URL. For different types of references
the following should be included:
Books: authors, publication year, title, publisher, city of publication.
Chapters in collections: authors, publication year, title of chapter,
book editors, book title, publisher, city of publication and page numbers
Journal articles: authors, publication year, title, unabbreviated
journal title, volume number and page numbers.
Proceedings: authors, publication year, title of paper, full conference
title, proceedings editors, book title, publisher, city of publication
and page numbers.
Other - Electronic (discussion papers, technical reports, etc.):
include the full URL that would be used by readers on the general internet.
Other - non-Electronic: authors, publication year, title, reference
number (if any) and a full address to write to request a copy.
Final displayed format
The final format will be html. Each page will be in the house style with
the journal logo, journal name and url of the paper at the top. Informative
use of the hypertext is encouraged, but effects which are distracting or
have no informative purpose (e.g., cute animations, flashing text) will
not be used. The overriding principles being the accurate and effective
presentation of the content and ease with which the information can be
The publisher may make reasonable changes, in consultation with the
author, in order that the hypertextual nature of the presentation works
to the best advantage of the reader.
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Bruce Edmonds,
for Policy Modelling, 2-Feb-1997.
© JoM-EMIT 1997