Dynamics of social conventions in microfinance groups: an experience in Chiapas, Mexico.
CPM Report No.: 08-192
By: Pablo
Lucas , Ignacio Garcia, Federico Morales
Date: June 27th 2008
Anonymised English version of the fieldwork report presented
to the micro-financier in Spanish,
part of the project “Emergence In the Loop:
Simulating the two-way dynamics of norm innovation”
with support from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Chair of
Sociology, in particular of Modeling and Simulation.
This report synthesises initial results from studying effects of social conventions on how solidarity groups
promoted by a micro-finance institution (MFI) work and evolve over time in Chiapas, Mexico. Due to our
publishing agreement, their identity is omitted. This research is part of Pablo Lucas research project entitled
Conventional social behaviour amongst microfinance clients, micro-credit.no-ip.org at CFPM, and Ignacio
Garcia at Buenos Aires University. Findings are presented along with our strategy for capturing data using
questionnaires to credit advisers and clients. Suggestions to a new MFI information system are also included.
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