Interaction Routines and Selfish Behaviours in an
Artificial Market
- Transferring field observations of a
wholesale fruits and vegetables market into a multi-agent model
By: Juliette
Date: 18th January 2004
CPM Report No.: CPM-04-130
This paper describes an application of
multi-agentsystems to economics. The issue we address in ourwork is the
actual functionning of a distributedmarket in terms of information
acquisition for agents.We show here possible links between
individualinformation acquisition and global results in thefluidity of
exchanges. A multi-agent model has beenbuilt on the basis of field
observations and interiewsled at the Marseille Fruits and Vegetables
wholesalemarket in 2002-2003. Two types of artificial agentsinteract,
wholesale sellers and retailers, surrounded byan environment of
exogenous supply and prices.Retailers can choose wholesale sellers
according totwo logic: either following some relational loyalty
orsearching for best prices (which takes time). We studythe influence
of the number of agents with eachrationality so that to see the
importance of bothcategories in the good supply of consumers and
thelimitation of garbage.
Keywords: Agent-Based Model,
Multi-Agent Simulation, Market, Learning,
heterogeneity, network.
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