Climate Change and the Demand for Water

CPM Report No.: CPM-03-107
By: Downing, T.E, Butterfield, R.E., Edmonds, B., Knox, J.W., Moss, S., Piper, B.S. and Weatherhead, E.K. (and the CCDeW project team)
Date: 8th April 2003

Downing, T.E, Butterfield, R.E., Edmonds, B., Knox, J.W., Moss, S., Piper, B.S. and Weatherhead, E.K. (and the CCDeW project team) (2003). Climate Change and the Demand for Water, Research Report, Stockholm Environment Institute Oxford Office, Oxford.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (formerly DETR) commissioned a consortium to evaluate the impact of climate change on the demand for water in England and Wales. The project began in June 2000 and produced the final report in February 2003.

The CCDEW project was undertaken by a consortium of leading research institutes:

Published by the Oxford branch of the Stockholm Environment Institute: