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Logic, Reasoning and A Programming Language for Simulating Economic and Business Processes with Artificially Intelligent Agents


[1] Axtell, R.L. and Epstein, J.M., (1994), "Agent-based Modelling: Understanding our Creations", The Bulletin of the Santa Fe Institute, 9, 28-32.

[2] Cohen, P.R. (1985), Heuristic Reasoning Under Uncertainty, London: Pitman.

[3] Edmonds, B. and Moss, S, (1996). The Credible Modelling of Economic Agents with Limited Rationality, AIEM96, TEl Aviv, 1996.

[4] Fox, J., D. Clark, A. Glowinski and M. O'Neil (1990), "Using Predicate Logic to Integrate Qualitative Reasoning and Classical Decision Theory", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 20 (2), pp. 347-357.

[5] Konolige,K (1992): Autoepistemic Logic. In: Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intellegence and Logic Programming. Vol. 3. (Eds: Gabbay,DM; Hogger,CJ; Robinson,JA) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 217-295.

[6] Masuch, M. and Huang, Z, (1994), "A Logical Deconstruction of Organizational Action: Formalizing J.D. Thompson's Organisations in Action in a Multi-Agent Action Logic", CCSOM Working Paper 94-120, Department of Statistics and Methodology, University of Amsterdam.

[7] Wallis, S. and Moss, S. (1995), "Efficient Forward Chaining for Declarative Rules in a Multi-Agent Modelling Language", Centre for Policy Modelling Discussion paper CPM-4. Available electronically at http://cfpm.org/cpm/cpmrep04.html.

Logic, Reasoning and A Programming Language for Simulating Economic and Business Processes with Artificially Intelligent Agents - 12 APR 96
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