This release incorporates a major fix to the assumptions mechanism, to ensure that the logic of SDML adheres to FOSGAL (a fragment of SGAL; SGAL is strongly grounded auto-epistemic logic as defined by Kurt Konolige). Specifically, it fixes double negations and other situtations in which assumptions are nested inside each other. For example, using "~" to represent "notInferred", the rule "~~p -> p" now yields one resolution (in which case "p" is not inferred) whereas previously the resolution in which "p" was inferred could also be yielded. The assumption "~p" is treated differently because it is "embedded" in another assumption; there must be an order in which true/false values can be assigned to assumptions in a conflict network which doesn't involve assuming an embedded assumption is false (without evidence that it is). This release also provides the following enhancements: a) Clause definitions can be dragged and dropped between types and/or categories; this works for individual definitions, or all the definitions in a category or entire type. b) References to undeclared objects can be included in rules (either by accepting an invalid rule, or a rule becoming invalid as a result of another operation such as removing an object definition). The undeclared object references are shown in red in the rule, and the rule name is shown in red to indicate that the rule includes at least one undeclared object reference. If a navigator is being used, all structures that include an undeclared object reference, or inherit a rule containing such a reference, are shown in red. c) When a content rulebase is browsed using the navigator, rules inherited from the type's content rulebase are shown as well as "meta-accessible" rules asserted by a meta-agent. If any of these rules include an undeclared object reference, the rulebase, agent and all super-agents are shown in red in the navigator.