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The Role of Expressiveness in Modelling Structural Change - Bruce Edmonds


[1] Arthur, B. (1994). Inductive Reasoning and Bounded Rationality. American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings 84, 406-411.

[2] Edmonds. B. M. (1996): The Introduction of Learning into the Modelling of Boundedly Rational Economic Agents using the Genetic Programming Paradigm. URL: http://www.fmb.mmu.ac.uk:80/cpm/cpmrep10.html

[3] Green, D. G. (1993): L-Systems. URL:http://www.csu.edu.au/complex_systems/tutorial2.html

[4] Koza, J. R. (1993). Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

[5] Moss, S.; Edmonds, B. M.; Gaylard, H. (1996): Modeling R&D Strategy as a Network Search Problem. URL: http://www.fmb.mmu.ac.uk:80/cpm/cpmrep11.html

[6] Simon, H.A. 1972. Theories of Bounded Rationality. In McGuire, C.B.and Radner, R. (eds.) Decision and Organization. North-Holland.: Amsterdam.

The Role of Expressiveness in Modelling Structural Change - Bruce Edmonds - 16 MAY 96
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