Re: Information basics 1 (revisited) - emotions

joe dees (
Sun, 18 Apr 1999 22:41:24 -0400

Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: Information basics 1 (revisited) - emotions
From: "joe dees" <>
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 22:41:24 -0400

>BTW the comment re semiotics is valid but Peirce was a little too 'general'
>and so did not see the complexity process, the bifurcations, taking place.
>He lumped relationships into one rather than making the static/dynamic
>distinctions that are needed to get more precise. but then he did do his
>work 100 years ago so he was ahead of his time.

The sources I cited are much more complex and contemporary than Peirce's work, and represent evolutions beyond his conceptions. I would also include the transitional work FOUNDATIONS OF THE THEORY OF SIGNS by Charles Morris (1938). As far as emotions are concerned, there is another branch of semiotics, Greimassian semiotics (after its developer Algiras Julien Greimas, who, with Claude Levi-Strauss and Jean Piaget, comprise the three great French structuralists) which deals with them (and much more than them) rather well (the understanding of the semiotic square alone is worth the price of admission). His works include STRUCTURAL SEMANTICS; AN ATTEMPT AT A METHOD (1983), ON MEANING: SELECTED WRITINGS IN SEMIOTIC THEORY (1987) (the one I most recommend), THE SOCIAL SCIENCES; A SEMIOTIC VIEW (1990), and THE SEMIOTICS OF PASSIONS; FROM STATES OF AFFAIRS TO STATES OF FEELINGS (co-authored with Jacques Fontanille, 1993).
Joe E. Dees
Poet, Pagan, Philosopher

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