Final CFP: special issue on Socially Situated Intelligence and Organizations

Bruce Edmonds (
Tue, 06 Oct 1998 10:05:06 +0100

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Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 10:05:06 +0100
From: Bruce Edmonds <>
To: Memetics Discussion List <>
Subject: Final CFP: special issue on Socially Situated Intelligence and Organizations

A Call for Papers for a special issue of:
Computational and Mathematical
Organization Theory

on the subject of:

Socially Situated Intelligence
and Organizations

Submission deadline: 2nd November 1998

Web page:

About the Subject

In recent years it has been increasingly recognized that
many important aspects of intelligence are grounded in
close interactions with a physical environment - what is
called embodied intelligence. This special issue addresses
the importance of aspects of intelligence and intelligent
behavior that are grounded in interaction with a social

Much research into intelligence and adaptive behavior has
been done from the point of view of single agents. Even
work into intelligence and adaptation in social situations
has taken an approach where the intelligence or ability to
adapt is built into the agent separately from the social
situation it is then put into. However, it is clear that there
may be a significant difference between an intelligence
that has evolved (or at least significantly developed) in a
social context, and an intelligence that is not socially
grounded in this way. The special issue aims at identifying
the basic differences between these two conceptions of
intelligence and wants to further a better understanding of
the specific mechanisms which make natural or artificial
agents social. In particular, this special issue aims at
submissions which study the social embeddedness of
intelligence and intelligent behavior and the extent to
which socially situated intelligence influences the
formation, stabilization and development of organizational
structures. In addition to mathematical models we
encourage submissions using computer simulations,
artificial intelligence and artificial life models and
techniques in order to study socially situated intelligence.

Models and computer simulations can target both artificial
and natural agents, so that the following fields are
relevant: ethology, sociology, social sciences,
anthropology, artificial life and related fields. We
particularly encourage submissions which compare models
and computer simulations with actual human or animal
forms of social organizations.

In the adaptive behavior research community the use of
autonomous robots which are acting in the real world as
models of animals (ants, crickets etc.) has become an
accepted tool for scientific investigation which yields
insight into animal behavior and provides a means to
implement 'life-like' robots. In the same way
organizational theory can possibly benefit from the study
of robotic models which are interacting in a non-trivial
way in a complex environment. Robots as models of
social agents are relevant to this special issue only if they
clearly address the issue of social embeddedness of
intelligence and its implications for organization theory.

Examples of Relevant Topics

evolution and operation of organizations

emergence and self-organization versus design of
sociality and organizations

sociality as a prerequisite for the development and
evolution of intelligence

cooperative and competitive models of agents in

the impact and emergence of roles and norms in
the formation of societies and organizations

modeling other agents in societies and
organizations: theory of mind and folk psychology

modeling individuals and relationships in a social
environments: effective heuristics for socially
embedded agents

mechanisms and levels of social coordination,

organization and control in organizations

co-evolution of social intelligence: prerequisites,
differences and interdependencies between socially
situated and individual intelligence

the role, impact, and adaptive value of social
intelligence in societies of agents (either real or

evolution of organizations: the role of language,
communication, social learning and imitation
the role of memes and genes in the evolution of
human organization and culture

applications which require artificial social

the role of teaching and education in the
development of socially situated intelligence
robotic societies as models of organizations
contributions from artificial life and robotics to
organization theory

...related issues.

About CMOT

Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory is
an international journal which is published by Kluwer
Academic publishers. Editors in Chief: Kathleen M.
Carley and William A. Wallace. The journal provides an
international forum for research that advances
organizational theory and analysis through the use of
computational and mathematical techniques. More
information about the journal including its aims and
scope, subscription and styles for can be found at URL:

Submission Information

Submissions should be original full papers, that are not
published, nor under consideration for publication
elsewhere, although revised versions of conference papers
will be considered. Submitted papers should arrive no
later than November 2, 1998. Authors intending to
submit a manuscript are advised to contact the guest
editors as soon as possible to discuss paper ideas and
suitability for this issue. Email to or

The procedure for submission is the normal one for
CMOT, but be sure to specify that your paper is intended
for this special issue in a covering letter.

Submit a cover letter, five copies of your manuscript, and
an abstract. CMOT will acknowledge receipt of your
manuscript. Manuscripts are not returned after review.
The cover letter should contain the following information
(failure to provide this information may delay the review
of your manuscript):

1.A request that the paper be submitted for this
special issue (as opposed to being a general
submission to CMOT).
2.Names and addresses, email, fax, and phone of up
to four possible reviewers (or identify individuals
that CMOT should not use).
3.The statement I (we) affirm that my (our)
manuscript conforms to the submission policy of
Computational and Mathematical Organization
Theory (see submission policy).
4.In 50 words or less, justify how and why paper is
appropriate for publication in this special issue of
5.The name, address, email, phone, and fax number
for author to whom correspondence should be sent.

Send manuscripts to:

Kelly Riddle
Computational and Mathematical
Organization Theory
Journal Editorial Office
Kluwer Academic Publishers
101 Philip Drive Norwell,
Massachusetts 02061, USA.

Phone: (+1) 617-871-6300 Fax: (+1)

Full information about the submission and formatting of
papers can be found at URL:

Important Dates

Submission Deadline - 2 November 1998
Notification of Acceptance - 12 January 1999
Deadline for final versions - 5 February 1999
Actual Issue - around June/July/August 1999

Guest Editors of the Special Issue

Bruce Edmonds,
Centre for Policy Modelling,
Manchester Metropolitan University,
Aytoun Building, Aytoun St.,
Manchester M1 3GH. UK.
Fax: +44 (0) 161-247 6802
Tel: +44 (0) 161-247 6479

Kerstin Dautenhahn,
The University of Reading
Department of Cybernetics
Whiteknights, PO Box 225
Reading, RG6 6AY. UK.
Fax: +44 (0) 118 -931 8220
Tel: +44 (0) 118 -931 8218 or 6372

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