Re: Copying, imitation, transformation, replication

Mario Vaneechoutte (
Thu, 17 Sep 1998 08:34:18 +0200

Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 08:34:18 +0200
From: Mario Vaneechoutte <>
Subject: Re: Copying, imitation, transformation, replication

Ton Maas wrote:

> Mario wrote:
> >I should disagree here. Genes are replicated without transformation. Just like
> >printed texts are.
> Maybe, but genes, just like humans, can't step into the same river twice!
> The notion of "sameness" implies a denial of the larger natural-historical
> process, in which _nothing_ ultimately stays the same, apart from the
> Eternal Verities, such as 2+2=4 (which were tautological to begin with :-)
> Ton

Sameness does not exist. I am clever enough to know that. Replication without
transformation does not make any claims about sameness.


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